Tuesday, 24 September 2019

Paradaise lost

Paradise Lost by John Milton :
Hello readers
                     I am going to tell you about epic poem paradise lost written by John Milton.
                     Milton arranged the whole as with heaven at the top, hell at the bottom and the earth in between is a hierarchical place. We can see in Milton's paradise lost that God seats on the throne at the top of haven and angel are arranged in gruops according to thair proximity to good but in hell Satan seats on a throne than other demons.
                   The proper way of the world was than other inferiors must to obey superiors because if a king was king not because he was chosen but because he was superior to his subjects.
                     In "paradise Lost" God places one prohibition on Adam and Eve not to eat the fruit from the knowledge of the tree The matter is not eating a fruit but it was the major disabedience of both these. They disobedience the God's actions and rules. The universe had to require not to disobedience of both their superior and God's rule. Adam and Eve bring calamity to their lives and all of mankind's lives.
# what Is your understanding of human perspective and divine perspective? Give illustrations to support your understanding. 
Human perspective :when you look in the mirror, you are cheking how you appear, what you seem to be, and whether it metchs how you feel. Inside, thinking about human nature is the equivalent of our whole species looking in the mirror to check its identity just as we all react different to are own reflections in the mirror.the reflection we call human nature is also often disputed.
                    Human nature includes the core characteristics shared by all people. We all have different experiences of the humans in our life, and this is where the disputes begin. Some people will tell you humans are 'good' or 'bad', or 'peredators' or 'capable of great kindness' these viwes are colored by the influence of the people we know and what our culture and subcultures tell us. The gruop you are born into will pass on its particular ideas about what makes humans 'human'.
#How do your read the character of Eve as transgresser and yet dependable. 
             According to the seen chapter of genesis Eve was created by God by teking her from the rib of Adam, to be Adam's companion. She succumbs to the serpents temptation to eat the forbidden fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. She shares the fruit with Adam, and as a result the first humans are expelled from the garden of Eden.
               "Eve" in Hebrew is "Hawarah" and is most commonly believed to mean living one'or "source of life" as it is phonetically similar to "haya", "to live", from the Semitic root.
                Along with Adam, the catholic church by ancient tradition recognizes Eve as a saint. The tradition liturgical feast of saints Adam and Eve has been celebrated on 24 Desember since the middle Ages in many European nations, including Estonia,jarmany, Hungary, Lithuania Estonia, and the Scandinavian nations.
                    The goddess Asherah, wife of Eve, mother of the elohim from the Even first millennium BEC was given the English title chawat, from which the name Hawwah in Aramaic was derived.
                         Thank you... ๐Ÿ˜Š

Saturday, 21 September 2019

Wordsworth and Coleridge

Wordsworth & Coleridge
Hello readers... 
                      This task given by Dr. Dilip barad sir.. Hed of the dipartment of English maharaja krishna kumarsiahji bhavnagar university.
              The above question is in reference to a comparative critical study between Wordsworth's "preface to Lyrical Ballads" and Coleridge's "biographia literature".

# write brief note on the views of Wordsworth and Coleridge on poem.
                 William wordsworth and Samuel Taylor Coleridge differ in opinion on the correct understanding of poems and poetry as expressed in their respective writings preface to Lyrical Ballads and biographia literera. For making this point clear we have to understand both the writers and their works in deep that what they said and what is their point of view. Where they makes diffence in their thinking and how they define poetry or diffentiate poetry.
                         Wordsworth's writings are highly sequential, logical and remain in a single thought form all throughout his creative end he is unable to maintain a single thought probably due to his opinion which he is notorious for.
                         Wordsworth admonishes simplicity of diction and style which is also evident of his famous preface but coleridge is known for his convoluted, esoteric and philosophical language in his biographia literaria.
                     Braking with the earlien eighteenth century, which maintained that poetry should be rational and objective, Wordsworth's "preface to the Lyrical Ballads" focused on the subjectivity of the individual. He writes, 'Humble and rustic life was generally chosen, passions of the heart... Speak a planner and more emphatic language, notice that in the preface to "lirical Ballads" there is not much about imagination.
                         Semuel Taylor Coleridge brought back the issue of imagination and fancy in his discussion of poetry in "biographia literaria" while to wordsworth, imagination was something taken for granted, especially in poets, Coleridge, while agreeing with wordsworth 's premise, nevertheless, clarifies for himself what imagination was what was the difference between century critics tended to merge to gather.
                  Imagery "affecting incidents:just thought ; interesting personal or dimestic feelings, and with these the art of their combination or inter texture in the form of a poem and prose".
                       Here, we see coleridge sometimes seems inconsistent in the development of essential terms and cncepts;but his repeated avowal of "the necessity of bottoming on fixed principles" lends rigor and relevance to all of his prose writings far beyond their immediate context.
#The Rime of the Ancient mariner. 
                    The Rime of the Ancient mariner is the longest major poem by the English poet samuel Taylor Coleridge, written in 1797-98 and published in 7798 in the first editions use a revised version printed in 1817 that featured a gloss.
                   The Rime of the Ancient mariner relates the experiences of a sailor who has returned from a long sea voyage. The mariner stops a man who is on his way to a wedding ceremony and begins to narrate a story. The wedding guests reaction turns from bemusement to impatience to fear to fascination as the mariner's story.
                  With my cross - bow 
                  I shot the albatross. 
The crew is angry with the mariner, believing the albatross brought the south wind that led them out of the Antarctic. However, the sailors change their minds when weather becomes warmer and the mist disappears ;
                   "Twas right, said they, such 
                     Birds to slay, 
                     That bring the fog and mist.
                They soon find that they made a grave mistake in supporting this crime;as it arouses the earth of spirits who then snow,the land of ice now sends the ship into uncharted waters near the equator, where it is becalmed.
                  As they discussed she vocke's book, Wordsworth proffers the following developmently contains a reference to tutelary contains a reference to him as having killed one of there brids on entering the south sea, and the tutelarly spirits of these regions tack upon them to avenge the crime by the time the trio finished their walk, the poem had taken shape.
  #The prelude
                       The prelude or, growth of a poets mind;an autobiographical poem in blank verse by the English poet william wordsworth.
                       The poem was intended as the prologue to a long three - part epic and philosophical poem, The Recluse though wordsworth planned this project when he was in his late 20,s he went to his grave at 80 year old having written to some completion only The Prelude and the second part, and leaving no more than fragments of the rest.
                       Coleridge's inspiration and interest is evident in his letters, for instance, in 1799 he wrote to wordsworth :"I am anxiously eager to have you steadily employed on 'The Recluse".... I wish you would write a poem, in blank verse, addressed to those who, in consequences of the complete failure of the French revolution, เชนเชตે, thrown up all hopes of amelioration of mankind, and are sinking into an almost Epicurean selfishness.
                                           Thank you....

Tuesday, 10 September 2019

Vinod Joshi

Poet Vinod Joshi on sairandhri:
    Hello reader..                 
Vinod Joshi is a postmodern Gujarati poet,writer and critic from Gujarat , India. His notable works include parantu,a collection of geets (lyric poetry)(1984),shikhandi,a long narrative poem based on shikhandi,a character from the Mahabharata (1985),radio natak : Swarup and Siddhant (radio drama:from and theory and abridged PH.D. thesis),Tundikundika ,a form of padyavarta, a Gujarati medieval literary genre (1987), and zalar vage zothadi, a collection of poems(1991). 
"Sairandhri" Us a poem of lost identity. Acclaimed for elegant female sensibility in the sounds, rules and rhythms of his songs. His poem based on the character of Draupadi from Mahabharat. Draupadi lost her identity and lived there as a servant, what a great misery. During the disguise Draupadi become victim of the us of kichaka-the commander in chief of mastsya. Neither yudhishthir nor king viral could react because of kichaka immense power. Joshi also presented Draupadi in love with karna. 
                      Thank you.. 

Post Truth

Hello Readers! 
                  Post-truth is a philosophical and political concept that refers to "the disappearance of shared objective standards for truth" And the "circuitous slippage between facts or alt facts, knowledge, opinion, belief, and truth", post-truth discourse is often contrasted with the forms taken by scientific methods and inquiry. The term garnered widespread popularity, in the form of " Post-truth politics ", in the period around the 2016 U. S. Presidential election and the U. k. Brexit referendum.
While the term post-truth is relatively recent, the concept can be traced back to earlier moral, epistemic, and political debates about relativism, postmodernity, and mendacity in politics, including nontruthfulness, lies, deception, and celebrate falsehood.

Post-truth politics is a political culture in which debate is framed largely by appeals to emotion disconnected from the details of policy, and by the repeated assertion of talking points to which fuctual rebuttals are ignored. Post-truth differs from traditional contesting and falsifying of facts by relegation facts and expect opinions to be of secondary importance relative to appeal to emotion.
 As of 2018,political commentors have identified post-truth politics as ascendant in many nations, notably Brazil, Russia, India, the United Kingdom and the United States, among others. 
                        Thank you.. 

Metaphysical Poetry

(1) characteristics of metaphysical poetry explanation of a few metaphysical poetry written by John donne as well as any other metaphysical poet. 
*Definition of metaphysical poetry: highly intellectualized poetry marked by bold and ingenious conceits, incongruous imagery, complexity and subtlety of thought, frequent use of paradox, and often by deliberate harshness or rigidity of expression.
Characteristic of metaphysical poetry:
(1) dramatic manner and direct tone of speech is one of the main characteristics of metaphysical poetry. In the starting line of the poem. "The canonization"-there is given a dramatic starting.
" For god's sake hold your tongue. And let me love".
(2) concentration-is an important quality of metaphysical poetry in general and donner's poetry is particular. In his all poems, the reader is held to one idea or line of argument. Donne's poems are brief and closely woven. In "the extasie. " The principal argument is that the function of man as a man is being worthy performed through different acts of love. He continues with the theme without digressions. For instance,
  "As twixt two equal armies, fate
   Suspends uncertain victories,
   Our souls, (wich to advance their state,
                         Were gone out,) hung twixt
                          Her and me"
(3)an expanded pigram: would be a fitting description of a metaphysical poem. Nothing is described in detail nor is any word wasted. There is a wiry strength in the style. Though the verse froms are usually simple, they are always suitable in enforcing the sense of the poem. For instance
"Moving of the, earth brings harms and fears.
Men reckon what it did and meant,
But trepidation of the spheres,
Though greater far, is innocent. "
(4) metaphysical poetry is a blend of passion and thought :T.S.Eliot thimks that "passionate thinking" Is the chief mark of metaphysical poetry. There is an intellectual analysis of emotion in donne's poetry. Though every lyric arise out of some emotional situation, the emotion is not merely expressed, rather it is analyzed. Donne's poem "A Valedictorian:for bidding mourning" Proves that lovers need not mourn at parting. For instance.
"So let us melt, and make no noise,
 No tear -floods, nor sigh -tempest move,
" Were Protanation of our jous
 To tell the laity our love".
Metaphysical poem by John donne. 
1) "the sun rising "
2) "death, be not proud. Holy sonnet"
3)" the flea"
4) "the dream "
5)" sweetest love I do not go"
6) "the Ecsracy"
         "The Garden"by Andrew marvell. 

" The Garden ", by Andrew marvell, is one of the most famous English poems of the seventeen country. This poem was First published in miscellaneous poem. It was published for Robert Boulder, in 1681.this was the first edition.
" The Garden "begins with the speaker reflecting upon the vanity and inferiority of man's devotion to public life in politics, war, and civic service instead, the speaker values a retreat to" Fair Quiet" And it's sister, "innocence ", in a private garden. The speaker portrays the garden as a space of "Sacred plants", removed from society and it's 'rude' demands. He praises the garden for its shade of " Lovely green"which he sees as superior to the white and red hues that commonly signify passionate love.
 The speaker claims that when  passion has run it's course, love turns people towards a contemplative life surrounded by nature. He praises the abundance of fruits and plants. In the garden, imagining himself tripping over melons and falling upon the grass. Meanwhile, his mind retreats into a state of inner happiness, allowing him to create and contemplate "other worlds and other seas" The speaker then returns to addressing the garden, where he envisions his soul releasing itself from his body and perching in the trees like a bird.
(2)write critical analysis of metaphysical poems of poets other than John donne. 
*Consider Henry Vaughan as a metaphysical poet. 
    Henry Vaughan         

  In order to justify Henry Vaughan as a metaphysical poet, we must first know what metaphysical poetry means. The term "metaphysical " Is applied to the poetry of jone donne and his followers. But ironically these poets did not know that they were a special kind of poets.long after they had been dead, Dr. Samuel Johnson used the term in his book, "life of Cowley" In 1779.he perhaps borrowed the term from John dryden that he affected "metaphysics not only in his satires but also in his amorous verses".
Actually, metaphysical poetry represents a sharp break with the convention poetry of the Elizabethan verses ans decorative and flowery in their quality. But metaphysical poetry has been differentiated from the other kinds by its peculiar"conceits" Later on known as "metaphysical conceits, " It is characterized by its conciseness, intellect reasoning and fondness for conceits.
-place, peace! I know 'twas brave;
                      But this coarse fleace,
I shelter in, is slave
               To no such piece,
                When I am leave,
I shall no wardrobes leave
                 To friend or son,
But what their own homes waves.
      This line is poem in content written by Henry Vaughan.
                    It is the marrying of the metaphysical and the imageery for example in the poem "The Flea" Wich makes it so stunning. Metaphysical poetry deals wich subjects such as cause and effect, the purpose of existence, searching for truth, matter and time.
                                         Thank you.....


kenneth Branagh's  "Hamlet", based on william Shakespeare's " Hamlet ".
Hello reader's! 
Wellcome to my blog. 
                  I am sharing my point of view on this blog of " Hamlet " .This task given by the had of English department Dr. Dilip barad sir, M.K.B.university bhavnagar. 
Hamlet is a 1996 film adaptation of William Shakespeare's play Hamlet, adapted and directed by Kenneth Branagh, who also stars as Prince Hamlet..... The film is the first unabridged theatrical film version of Hamlet, running just over four hours. 
For Manny lovers of Shakespeare's, Kenneth Branagh is the modern conduit for the bard the most dedicated to inter preting and honoring the works of the playwright from Stratford upon Avon. 
It's not hard see why over the last 30 years, Branagh has directed six feature films inspired by Shakespeare, in addition to starring in even more and taking on numerous stage projects. His latest project, All is true, which he both directs and stars in , offers him the opportunity to literally step into will's shoes, portraying Shakespeare in the final years of his life after he retires and returns to Stratford. 
Every Shakespeare nerd has a personal fact Hamlet, but Branagh's sprawling 1996 production consistently ranks as one of the most beloved. Branagh presents the unabridged play for the first time on screen, but even clocking in at a whopping four hours, this Hamlet is remarkably accessible, exploring the Bard's most tragic hero and all his faults in depth. Lavish sets and a 19th century setting give this Hamlet a sense of grandeur, with appearances by Julie christie, Derek Jacobi, Kate Winslet, Charlotte Heston, Billy Crystal, robin William, and more. 
Branagh may have been more eager to experiment with some of his other adaptations, changing up lines and settings, but his Hamlet is a devoted love letter to the Bard's  most masterful work. 
# How faithful is the movie to the original play? 
The film is the first unabridged theatrical film version of Hamlet, running just over four hours. The setting is updated to the 19th century, but it's Elizabethan English remains the same. Blenheim palace is the setting used for the exterior grounds of Elsinore castle and interiors where all photographed at shepperton studio blended with footage shot at blenheim. 
#After watching the movie, have your perception about play, characters or situation changed? 
After watching movie my perception about play, character and situation is changed because  as wediscussed in class about original play sir said that the movie is so long, that's why generally audience get boring. I see that Ophelia became and she did suicide. We can not surely says that Ophelia did suicide. Another character is Hamlet and ghost. 
#do you feel 'Aesthetic' delight while watching the movie? If yes, exactly when did it happen? If no, can you explain with reason? 
When Elsinore castle is shown for first time in the scene, I felt asthetic delight and though that how a good cinematographic effect is created, in other scene of the ceremonical scene that was the batter understanding of the play. 
#does screening of movie help you in better understanding of the play? 
Yes,  this movie screening helped our studies batter understanding of the play. Hamlet returned from Wittendin to Denmark, he come to know about that his father is death and his mother grabbed by his uncle. The over hasty marriage of his mother with his uncle he gets shattered. 
#does screening of movie help you in better understanding of the play? 
Yes, movie is better to understand of the play. It is a very easiest way to understanding Hamlet play through the movie screening because in this movie Kennthh branagh tried to covered up original texts whole dialogues as much as possible, it is possible that we can't imagine that kind of whole situation as well while reading the text. 
                                         Thank you.... 

Dr. Faustus

Dr. Faustus: A play by Christopher Marlowe

Christopher Marlowe Born in Canterbury in 1564,the same year as William Shakespeare, Christopher Marlowe was an actor, poet, and playwright during the region of britain's queen Elizabeth 1.christopher Marlowe corpus christi college at Cambridge University and received degree in 1584 and 1587.traditionally, the education that he received would have prepared him to become a celergyman, but Marlowe chose not to joine the ministry. For a time, Cambridge even wanted to with hold his degree, apparently suspecting him of having converted to Catholicism, a forbidden faith in late-sixteenth century England, where Protestantism was the state supported religion.
              After leaving Cambridge, Marlowe moved to London, where he became a playwright and led a turbulent, scandak plagued life.
      Doctor Faustus was probably written in 1592.although the exact date of its composition is uncertain, since it was not published until a decade later. The idea of an individual selling his or her soul to the devil for knowledge is an old motif in Christian folklore. One that had become attached to the historical person of Johnny Faustus, a disreputable astrologer who lived in Germany something in the early 1500.
Q:1 The play directed by Matthew sunset for globe Theatre ands with this scene (see the image of lusifer). What does it signify? 
Answer:when DR. Faustus depending from the depth of his heart... We can say that the tragedy of life is in what dies inside a man while he lives it means at the end if play Dr. Faustus realized that he chose a wrong path and at the end by his grief he indirectly dies inside and because of that fall of Dr. Faustus Lucifer feel his great tripumphal against him. Thus, hear the last scene of Lucifer signifies his great triumphal.
Q:2 is god present in the play? If yes, where and how? If no, why? 
Answer:yes there is god in the play. "We only need the light when it is burning low &we only miss the sun when it starts to snow. " The same way here Dr, Faustus didn't need any god or heavenly power because he has a power of his knowledge and slowly he fall and in last scene of play when Doctor Faustus repenting there we can prove that there is indirectly god is present in the play in the mind of Dr. Faustus.
Q:3what reading and interpretation can be given to this image (see the image of Daedalus and lcarus)  with reference to central theme of the play Dr. Faustus? 
Greek mythology of lcarus, a son whose father Daedalus give wings to him, wings which is made by Besswex but lcarus forget that truth flew closer and closer to the sun and cause of it his wings melt and he fall down on earth and died. Similarly here Dr. Faustus fall down on earth and died. Similarly here or Faustus fall down from his higher position of knowledge. Vast for knowledge is good at some level but cross the limitations it is bad... Thus we can say that this image of falling of lcarus shows the central theme of same falling of Dr, Faustus.

Q:4 How do you interpret this painting? 
:this painting is a modern portrayal bof the Greek mythology Daedalus and icarus. This painting was painted by prettier bruegel the elder. The painting known as 'landscape with the fall of icarus;in the lower right corner, we can see that a person is drawing in water. He is none other than icarus, a son of Daedalus. Father mackes waxen wings told son not to fly closer to the sun, but icarus go see flying higher and higher. This picture mackes us think how to the dynamics of the time changes gradually. Myth of a fallen hero, is considered as insignificant thing in the picture. Weather a person lives or dies. Nobody is concerned to that, the routine life goes on. In the previous question, the idea of fall was in the center, but here it has become a periphery, somewhere in the corner.
Q:5 read this article by bhagat singh. In light of the arguments made by bhagat singh in this artical, can you re-wright last monologue of doctor Faustus? 
Answer:Bhagat singh was a strong atheists. If we place bhagat singh in place of the character of doctor Faustus, the and would be very different.
This article was a reply to his religious friend who thought bhagat singh became an atheist because of his vanity he wrote last monologue of doctor Faustus. It is being proud of my ideas and my thoughts. Absolutely no one of this sort, don't Mack me wait this long,  didn't occar to your all knowing God. O Lucifer, don't mack me wait this long, if you want to tack my soul, tacke right now. I am not going to weaver or repent for my deeds. Nor I shall pray to God because i am an atheist. Of stars of the heaven stop not till you end up your lives.
Q:6 summarizes article discussed in the class. 
Marlowe and God:tragic theology of Dr, Faustus. 
The tragic history of the life and death of doctor Faustus, commonly shortened to the title.
Robert ornstein has present some point of Marlowe's play Dr. Faustus.Faustus was not juve to think of good angle and bad angle.as the end of his contract approaches, Faustus begins to dread his impending doom, and has mephistophilis call up Helen of Tory so that he might impress a group of his colleagues. An old man urges Faustus to repent and turn back to God, but he sends mephistophilis to torment the old man, and drive him away. Faustus then summons up Helen again so that he might immerse himself in her ancient beauty. But time grows short. Faustus, filled with dread, confesses his misdeeds. To a group of his colleagues, who to pray for him.
                                      Thank you..........

My Village

    I live in a small village in saurastra. In the past few years. My village has developed a lot. There are good roads, transport facilities, primary health center and a post office. There are two primary schools and one high school in my village. But I feel a lot can be still done. And this can be done with the help and cooperation of the people of the village. I would like to implement the people's participation programme model to implement my ideas.
            First,  I will like to see some changes in education.  I would like to have a college in my village. Today, many students not go college adducation. Because the nearest college is almost 25KM.away in a town. I would also like to open a night school for adults, especially the women. Women's empowerment is a must today.
            Secondly,  I would like to have a good library in the village. There should be a bank, too and every household in the village should have at least one account in the bank.
         There are good irrigation facilities. But I would like the farmers to use better seeds and latest techniques and equipment for farming. The most important improvement that I would like to make is electricity. I will educate the people about the benefits of solar energy. I will enjoy them to make most of this natural source of energy in the body.
                                                      I ❤my village. 

Plato and Aristotle

Plato's objection & Aristotle's theory
Q:1 How far do you agree with Plato's objection to freedom of expression and artistic liberty enjoyed by creative Mlis ne to? Name the texts (novels, T. V. Sows etc which can be right fully objected and banned with reference to Plato's objections)
Answer: when we read Plato's comments in poetry and poets, we come across three aspects of Plato's porsnoaliy. They are plato as a philosoper, plato as a moralist and plato as a social reformer. Aa a philosopher, plato says that the real is notional. As a moralist, plato worries about the conflict between the ood and the bad,  plato says that even the great poets like Homer have mis resented gods and goddesses. Plato says that poets sould avoid depicting evil characters in literary works.
                In the tragedy 'othello'by William Shakespear during the drama the audience finds itself in conception of love, hate jealousy, othello killed his wife.
Q:2 with reference to the literary texts you have studied during B. A. Programme, write brife not on the texts wich followed Aristotelian literary tradition (I.e.his concept of tragedy. Catharsis, tragic hero with hamartia etc)
Answer:During my B.A.i was study "othello" Written by William Shakespeare. It was a tragedy of othello. The protegonist is followe Aristotle's literary tradition. Jealousy of lago creats misunderstanding the othello and his wife namely desdemona. Othello think desdemona their was not lead this story during tragic and. othello kills his wife desdemona and after he knowing that his wife was innocent and then he feels guilty. By the way othello is the attempt his wife's murder, because he was jealous of his wife rilations with other person.it is Aristotelian literary tradition.
Q:3 with reference to the literary texts you have studies during B.A.programme, write brife not on texts which did NOT follow Aristotelian literary tradition. (I, e. His concept tragedy catharsis, tragic hero with hamartia etc.)
Answer:I have study during B.A.program The novel is "bluest eyes"written  by Toni Morrison.this novel is not follow of Aristotelian's view's because the protegonist of 'pocola' is facing many struggle in over life. Everyone of the novel treated a poor girl. So, I am bad of her.
Q:4 have you studied any tragedies during B. A. Programme? Who was /were the tragic protagonist in those tagedies? What was their 'Hamartia'?
Answer:I am studied a novel 'Othello'. In my B. A. Programme.  The protegonist of the novel, Othello is a tragic hero and hamartia.
Q:5 did the ' plato' of those tragedies follow necessary rules and regulations proposed by Aristotle? (Like, chain of cause and effect principle of probability and necessity harmonious arrangement of incidents, complete certain magnitude, unity of action etc)
Answer: yes the plato of those tragedies follow necessary rules and regulations proposed by Aristotle.
              The plato is modern interpretation would says that 'Othello's tragic flaw was that is taken into himself, the prejudice of those who surrounded dead scens in the play and it is broken aristotle rules.
                                       Thank you........

Flip Learning

Flipped learning network
Q:-1 Do you any difference between Aristotle's definition of tragedy and Dryden's definition of play?
# Dryden's views on the three dramatic unities
                   Supporting the ancients, critics reminds that all the rules of Drama were discovered by the ancients. The English have added nothing of thair own in Aristotle's poetics and Horace's ars poetic, the three dramatic unities unity of time, unity of place, and unity of action are the special gifts of the ancients. The French call them the three unities. 
# Aristotle's three unities 
1.)The unity of time : the action in a play should not exceed the single revolution of the sun. 
2.)The unity of place: a play should cover a single physical space and should not attempt to compress geography, nor should the stage represent more than one place. 
3.)The unity of action: a play should have one single plot or action to sustain the interest of the spectators and it can also lead him to proper pargation, these three princess are called unities, and the three unities  were unity of time, place and action, let us understand them. 
Q:-2 If you are supposed to give your personal predilection, would you be on the side of the Ancient or the modern? Please give reasons. 
Ans:john Dryden the poet and critic and the little of an essay of Dramatic poesy. Also we had seen that Dryden is a poet, how come felt the urge for showing us a critic and producing an Essay on dramatic poesy and how can we connect these two "poet" & "critic" phenomenon and why? Dryden is a neo classical poet, as a poet he realize that he needed a kind of a sanitized well tested kind advice or modet before him which justifies as against the Elizabethns practice current age and himself and also felt that neo classicism is sometimes off into the drak alleys of fundamentalisam or needles which have cramping effects. Dryden's essay on dramatic poesy is because himself wrote drama and to prepare a critical position. 
Q:-3 Do you think that the arguments presented in favour of the French plays and against English plays are appropriate? 
Ans: that the argument between articles and Neander about the use of "Rhymed versr" and "Blank verse: in the play that rhyme is unnatural in the play. And answer of this argument pandya sir said that when you read something, it is appears your sense of vision, sense of listening there is no point of view for unnatural.
Q:-4 what would be your preference so far as poetic or prosaic dialogues are concerned in the play? 
Ans:I would like to be preferred with prosaic dialogue, because as far as routine and common conversation is concern poetic language cannot give more justice to it, poetic dialogues can define a very higher status of emotions like pain, catharsis, love and etc. As far as be many kinds of themes in it. For e. g. a king cannot order his servant in poetic manner. 
                                          Thank you.... 

Girish Karnad

Girish karnad:controversial obituaries. 
Girish karnad was born in 19 may 1938 and died, in 10 june 2019.girish karnad was an Indian actor, film director, kannada writer, playwright and A rhodes Scholar, who predominantly worked in south indian cinema and bollywood, his rise as a playwright in the 1960s.
India's obsession with cinema means karnad was best known for his acting roles, but it is for his plays, in which he often used myths, folklore and historical events to examine the cultural, economic and social changes in post -independence india, that he will be remembered. Strongly influenced by the philosopher krishnamurti, who questioned traditional Indian devotion to caste, religion and duty, karnad worked from the position that the individual was the marker of his own existence rather than subject to hindu notions of fate and karma. 
Written in the south indian language of kannada, many of his plays were translated into English by Oxford university press as well as into several other indian languages.
The First three were an immediate success. Yayati((1961), written while karnad was a student at Oxford, deal with the expectations of the indian family against personal freedom. Tughlaq (1964) captured the disappointment of early independent India;and Hayavadanna. Looked at issues around personal identity and female emancipation. 
Many of the films he made in a 35-year career as a director won national  awards. Among then are kaadu(1973), Tabbaliya neende magance, about an American woman newly married to an Indian, vishv(1984), in which a courtesan relationship with a poor brahmin man causes choos, and kanooni heggudithi(1999) on the limited position of women in rural .
His final work, RAKSHASA -TANHAI was published last year, and he is due to appear in four films this year. He was awarded the padma shri, one of India's top civilian honours, in 1974,and the padma bhushan in 1998 he was the recipient
 Of the jananspith award, India's highest literary prize. 
                         Thank you.... 

Renaissance Literature

Renaissance characteristic:

The Renaissance or "rebirth", was a revival of learning and art in Europe after the dart age. Here are major characteristic of this period:
1.the influence of the Italian scholar petrarch, who revitalized interest in the classical thought of the greeks and Romans. This revival of classical thought was a regection of the " Barbarisam" And "corruptions" Of the centuries since the times of the Greek and romans.
2.the embracing of human is amazing made sweeping changes, whereas medieval scholars had been concerned with the harnessing of reason in the service and defense of religion, the Renaissance scholar, poet, and philosopher concerned himself with the real world, the world of nature and men, as a consequence, universities became more secular, producing now educated laymen:heretofore, only those of the religious orders and been scholars. Renaissance art, too became more natural and realistic.
3.the creation of the Renaissance state came about after the decline of imperial dominance left italy and abelicose condition began as larger states absorbed lesser ones.
John donne, is a Renaissance age's

John donne was a Renaissance period's poet and cleric in the church of England. He was born in 22,january 1572 and died 31,march 1631.he is considered the pre-eminent representative of the metaphorical poets. His works are noted for their strong, sensual style and include sonnets, love poems, religious poems, latin translations, epigrams, elegies, songs, satires and sermons.

Comparison of Renaissance with middle age. 
The middle Ages and the Renaissance were two time periods which were very different, yet similar in some ways. The middle Ages was an era of European history  caused by a gardual decline in the Roman Empire.
This was a period of revival for art. Writing, and learning. The main topics which show the similarities and differences between middle Ages and the Renaissance are art and literature was very different in these time periods.
Renaissance writers produced works that reflacted their time. They should techniques like writing in the vernacular. Or their native language. Renaissance wiriters wrote for self experience or to poetry the individuality of their subjects.
  The main difference with religion between the middle ages and the Renaissance is that Catholicism was split into many branded on different the feudal system depended on the control of land and was  based on rights and obligations.
Comparison of Renaissofance with neo classical age
               Neoclassicism has been regarded by many as the pedominant movement in European art and architecture during the late 18th century and early 19th.thegre is still much debate over the exact dutes of the movement but it can broadly be seen to be from 1750-1860 with neoclassical architecture predating the art movement by nearly a celury.  

                                                     Thank you.... 

Article 15

Artical 15 : movie review
Maharaja Krishna kumarshinh ji Bhavnagar university 
Sponsored by tanishq jwelers.. 
 The film is based on artical 15 of the Indian Constitution, which prohibits discrimination on grounds of religion, race, cast, sex or place of birth. While not based on one specific event, the film is inspired by multiple true life events including 2014 badaun gang rape allegations and 2016 flogging incident.
                          Artical 15 have to start with this dialogue, "hum kabhi harijan hojate hai, kabhi bahujan ho jate hain bus jan nahi ban pa rahain hai.... Keep Jan gan mein hamari bhi ginti ho jae".
               I had some apprehensions about Ayushman khurana playing the lead, with his mushy next door lover boy image. But nowhear has he went overboard and tried to become 'Akshay kumar's action packed messian of the masses
The music is all theme based with no special song sequence separately. Most of which is mainly folk song with thought provoking lyrics, speaking to the audience about glaring gape in our society story.
Artical 15 refers to 'right to equality'section of the Constitution which was so thoughtfully designed by our freedom fighters esp babasaheb. 
Thank you

The Purpose

The purpose : T. P. Kailasam
Hello reader.. 
                        Thanjavar paramasiva kailasam, was a playwright and prominent writer of kannada literature. His contribution to kannada theatrical prahasana prapitamaha, "the father of humorous plays" and later he was also called "kannadakke obbane kailasam" meaning "one and only kailasam for kannada.
                   Kailasam was born in a Tamil family in southern Karnataka,india.his father, T paramasiva Iyer, was emplo as munsif in the mystore state service and progressed to become the chief justice of the mystore high court. His fathers brother was the Madras high court judge, sir T. Sadasiva Iyer.
The purpose... 
                     This play"The porpose" is written by very famous and well-known playwright T. P. KAIkailasam. We study about Indian writing in English to Indian writer like, T. P. kailasam. He was written at different and post colonial think in portrayed Eklavyas character. The purpose by T. P. Kailasam is a drama it two acts. The story is based on Adiparva from,the mahabharata. As we see that in the story how kailasam given margin and criticize to arjun and Dhrona characters. The story moves around Eklavya and Arjun and thair purpose behind learning archery.
                      The story of Eklavya that Dronacharya teaches archery to Arjun but cannot accept Eklavya proposal because of his promise to Arjuna. Arjun wants to become the great archer of the world. And Eklavya explains that he wants to learn archery to save lives of innocent animals. Arjuna's purpose behind learning archery is self center while Eklavya purpose is noble.
Q:1 compare and contrast arjun and Eklavya character.
When we talked about Arjuna's character first image comes in our mind is that arjuna is a very powerful man and as humble as God. But here in this play playwright kailasam hase broke the myth of real mahabharata and here in this play he portrayed Arjuna as very ambitious man and very low class person in emotions wise. Arjuna was third brother from the five pandvas in real mahabharata epic. Arjuna's mother was kunti and his father was pandu. He is son of indradev in epic. He is a prince of Hustinapura and he has four brothers yudhishtir,Bheem, Nakul and sahdev. In mahabharata arjun was like this: he was known for his steadfastness and single mindedness in pursuing his goals. He was instrumental in winning Draupadi in a contest for himself and his brothers as their joint wife. He also married subhadra the sister of krishna and Balram and kept his friendship with them forever. Lord krishna became his mentor and guide for the rest of his life.
                  In the T. P. Kailasam's play Arjuna was a small boy who goes to guru Drona's Ashram for learning archery with pandavas and cousin brother's kauravas. Guru Dronacharya was best teacher of archary Bhisma knows that so he sent his grand children to learn archery from him in the mahabharata Arjuna was fast learner archery and he is favourite student of guru dronacharya gives promise to him that he became best archery in the world.
Eklavya :
Eklavya is the protagonist of this play"The purpose ;he is a nishada boy. He also wants to become the best archer of the world. He always speaks whatever he thinks to be true. He had great esteem. He really likes the technique of guru dronacharya but he also recognize Arjun as his companion. Eklavya is the main character of T. P. kailasam's play "The purpose", it is taken from the mahabharata in mahabharata he is not powerful character, but in this play he is powerful character drawn by T. P. kailasam. He was a nishada boy. Once he was tak with his mother about archery that he wants to become best archer. In that world, that time his mother told him that guru dronacharya was the best teacher for archery if he accept you as a student so you became best archery. That time he decided that he learn archery from guru Dronacharya.
Comperiston between Arjun and Eklavya:
                  The similarity between both the characters is that both want to become the world's best archer. Though the aim is same, the purpose for it is different. Arjuna has the personal purpose and Eklavya's purpose is to save the animals. So we can say here that this all the things are about "The purpose" or based on the "The purpose" that how the purpose is different from each other. So here we can say that the title of this play is appropriate and well chose by the playwright of this play.
Q:2 what is subaltern? Who do you think is the subaltern in this play? Explain with examples.
                    A subaltern is someone with a law ranking in social, political, or other hierarchy. It can also mean someone who has been marginalised or oppressed.
                 The tearm subaltern describes the lower social classes and the other social groups displaced to the margins of a society, in an imperial colony, a subaltern is a native man or women without human agency, as defined by his and her social status, nonetheless, the feminist scholar gayatri Chakraborty spivak cautioned against an over broad application of the tearm the subaltern.
After examine the character of Eklavya we concluded that being a common man and cause of marginalised in ancient society Eklavya has to suffers a lot. Eklavya faces all the problems and do lots of struggles he comes out with flying colors and emerge as the tragic hero of the play "The purpose".
                     Resemblance and antithesis between Arjuna and Eklavya when we talk about these two major character. First of all we have to discussed that, that there are some similarities and some differentiate things between these two character. So let's have a briefly look on that.
               " A person of no pride always remember that no one can be perfect"
                     Arjuna character in "The purpose" is portrayed as a rude and self - proud person while in original text he is very humble and gread.
               "An Arya is an Arya! And a nishadhu is only a low born nishadha...!
Q:3write your views about Education system in India with reference to past and present time. 

Education in the past:from the latter point of view in the vedic period, schools were boarding schools where a child was handed over to the teacher at the age of about eight years, and he was imparted knowledge for developing ideal behaviour and not for its utilitarian end. Knowledge, it was felt, was something that lent meaning glory, and luster to life. The teacher took personal interest in the life of his students. Education was all comprehensive.
                        For example, physical education was compulsory, students were taught to build up a strong and healthy body. Training was given in the art of war, including archery, riding, driving, and in other allied fields. School education began with phonology, including study of grammar. After that,study of logic was teacken up which dealt with the laws of reasoning and art of thinking. Then came science of arts and crafts.
                      Education in school and college was not productive wich would break down the social, riligional and linguistics barriers. It never himed at making people masters of technology. It also did not focus on fighting injustice, intolerance and superstition.
Education in the present:-
                      Education today is oriented to promoting values of an urban, complotitive consumer society. Through the existing education system, India has produced in the last five decades number of scientists, professionals and technocrats who have excelled in thair field and made a mark at the national and international levels.
                    The top scientists, doctors, engineers, researchers, proffesors, etc. Are not those who were educated abroad but had got their entire education in India. If these experts and all those people who have reached the highest level have come through our present educational system, how could we deny the positive aspects of the education system as it is found today? Thus, while we cannot totally criticism our present education, there are urgent attention, if we are really concerned with a better future.
Q:4 is Dronacharya an ideal teacher? If yes, then how?, and if No, then why? Explain with examples. 
                     Yes, Dronacharya is a ideal teacher because, Eklavya was the son of a poor hunter. He wanted to learn archery to save the deer in the forest that were being hunted by the leopards. So he want to Dronacharya and requested him to teach him archery. Dronacharya was the teacher of the royal family.
                  This is not far Eklavya in his heart had already accepted Dronacharya as his Guru. He went home and made a statu of his Guru. Over the following years, with sincerity and practice, he learn archery and became batter than the state princess at the aret. He became so good at it that, he would hear the sound of the animal. Shootan arrow at it and claim the animal.
                One day, Arjuna, the prince found out about this talented archer. Making matters worse, he saw that Eklavya was far better than him. He went to Eklavya and asked him,'who throught you archery?'
               Dronacharya blessed Eklavya with immortality by asking him for his thumb so when people think of devotion they think Of Eklavya, and not Arjuna.
                       "she the greatness of Dronacharya he took the blame on him and uplifted his studend. That is why, even if the guru is wrong, if your devotion is their you can never go wrong, but the guru is not wrong, it appears he was partial but he uplifted Eklavya and preserved his dharm also. His duty cous to maintain the law of the land you cannot have anyone much better than the prince ", - Sri Sri Ravi Sankar. 
                                         Thank you... 


August patriostiam and Riligious Fervor 
August month is most af we called it Riligious month as Indian we know we are most notable country for lost of celebration country. During this month specially Gujarati celebrate lost of Riligious festivals like Rakshabandhan, Nagpanchami, shitala satam, Janmashtami, Ed Mubarak etc. But it is my illusion because other states also celebrates this kind of days.
#Riligious vs science#

Science and religion.. We have always heard contradictory view points on these two. It is very difficult to choose one over the other because one is based on fact and logic, while the other is built on faith and hope.
That's exactly what the creation theory is, beliefs in a superior supernatural being, whereas the Big Bang theory is faith in logic. it is difficult to judge two university difficult theories because both do not hold the , they are merely a description of the type of person we are and what morals and priorities we have with .
As a student, it is solvery based on our personal beliefs, but where have these beliefs evolved in the first ? as we grew with each stage in our lives, we have been influenced by an outside .
I think that although science not actually begun creation, it simply continued it. I am skeptical about the Adam and Eve theory, not that I doubt God's , but there are gaps in that theory too. therefore, I think God created the universe, the plant life and the animals.
#shitala satam#
Shitala satam is observed in the month of sravana on the seventh day of the dark fortnight. On this day shitalamata's Pooja is performed after taking bath with cold water. One cold meal is eaten during the day.
Shitala satam, popularly known as shitala shasti, is dedicated godes shitala. The dodes of pox and measles. It is observed for the welfare of children and others and to escape from measles and small pox.
Those who can afford it, can make golden image of shitala devi and together with the image of the vehicle place the devi's image on eight petalled lotuse flower, offer obeisance with joined palms saying 'my pranam to shitala devi' and make puja. In some places people offer raw flour and gor as naivedya to the devi. It is customary to eat only one meal on shitala saptami day.
Smallpox was the first disease that people tried to prevent themselves by inculcating themselves with other infections, general chat long, smallpox inoculation has been occurring in India and other countries for years but has not been widely accepted people used to build temples that worshipped the goddess because of this disease and kept it could in order to please the goddess. All this is still done as part of the tradition generl  chat long.
Short hindi film :-DFFENCE Of FREEDOM a film by nandita das
saadat Hasan Manto 
actor :-Nawazudin siddiqui
The poster of the film was unveiled at the 2017 cannes film festival. Das made a short film titled in Defence freedom, also starring Nawazudin in the main role, and was released on youtube on 23 March 2017.
Amidest  the freedom struggle against the British Empire and the forewarning of India being partitioned saadat Hasan Manto, a well-established short story writer works in the glittering world of the Bombay film industry as a scriptwriter. Although Manto has a fenuous relationship with the progressive writer's association, many of its members are his close friends, including the feminist writer, ismat chughtai. They are both acquitted from the charge of obscenity for their respective works.
Manto has many admirers and friends in the film industry. The closest is shyam chadda, a charming budding actor and Ashok Kumar, a famous actor, director and the unwavering pillar of strength is his wife, saifa.
Soon after, India gains independence on 15 August 1947 and the new nation of Pakistan is born. Saifa leaves for Lahore to attend her sister's wedding. Despite flaring Hindu-Muslim tensions, Danto decideds to stay back in his beloved city of Bombay. One day, shyam, on hearing that his family was forced to feel Pakistan because of a Muslim mob attack, tells Manto in anger:"I could have even killed you." shocked and anguished, a non-practicing Muslim, Manto suddenly becomes conscious of his religious identity and the vulnerabilities that come with it.
#"This Bloody line" film by Ram madhavani 

Set in 1966,'This Bloody line' delves into the murky circumstances surrounding the partition through a fictitious conversation between sir Cyril Radcliffe and his wife Antonia. In the film, the publication of W. H. Auden's scathing poem, partition, force the aged Radcliffe to revisit painful memories and confront his role in an event that resulted in the loss of millions of lives.
In 'The bloody line', madhavani presents a profoundly human approach to the historically charged subject. Radcliffe, a lawyer who never visited the country whose history he would alter so greatly, was given just over one month to draw the line of partition splitting punjab and Bangal. He subsequently refused his salary of 40,000 rupees, and never spoke on the subject publicly, burning all his papers from that time.
#Desh ek rad he#
เคฆेเคถ เคเค• เคฐाเค— เคนे - เคญाเค—เคตเคค เคฐाเคตเคค
"The popular poem" เคฆेเคถ เคเค• เคฐाเค— เคนै! "written by Bhagavat Ravat. In this poem he put the description of country v/s nation. The Rashtra according to Ravat, boast of the 21 gun salute that says" savadan"or beware, Desh is a musical rag that only sings of unity in diversity.
Set in a dialogic formal, the poem examines the essence of the words 'desh' and 'rashtra'. It begins with Ravat aspiring to give a Republic Day speech in the name of the country and not the nation. He then pits the melodic deth against an aggressive Rashtra, retracing the journey of India from being a country to a nation.
The poem,as Rawat clarifiesinst a literal analysis of the two words but what they entail in their separate contexts, while the Rashtra, according to Ravat. So it is the ideal time to get this thought into the world, especially when there are so many narratives around the idea of nation streaming in the popular media, she added.
                                 Thank you.... 

Thinking Activity : - language lab software

  Hello readers!                            Here I am going to wrote about the Language Lab software and NAMO E TAB. This is my academic tas...