Friday, 29 November 2019

Thinking activity : Frankenstein

Frankenstein by mary shelley 

Hello readers!
                     This blog task given by Heenaba zala. Thinking activity in the famous novel Frankenstein by mary shelley.

                            Frankenstein is a novel written by Mery Shelley. who was famous novelist in the Romantic Age. Frankenstein is a novel about victor Frankenstein, who is scientist creates the monster as a scientific experiment. Obsessed with discovering the cause of generation and life and bestowing animation upon lifeless matter, Frankenstein assembles a human being from stolen body parts but, upon bringing it to life, he recoils in horror at the creature's hideousness. Tormented by isolation and loneliness, the once - innocent creater turns to evil and unleashed a campaign of murderous revenges against his creator, Frankenstein.

# what is the difference between the movie and the novel? 

                        As we know book is so deep and so long and so boring some time but when we tak about movie is so short and complete the story on 2-3 hours and use all things and not much deep and some time for better understanding we also show movies and take help of the movie.

                         In the beginning of the novel by Merry shelly, there is description about the place where, Frankenstein and his family lives and also narration with some facts. While in the movie that descriptive part is absent.

# Dose the movie help you understand narrative structure of the novel? 

                                   Movie helps a lot to understand the narrative structure of the novel. Because ' visual speaks more than words' in the novel we can only read the text. While in the movie we can see visual pictures of any perticular science. It helps in lot to remember the plot of the story. Director play such a great story and also giving a horror effect in the movie.

# Do you think the movie is helpful to understand the view points of different characters. 

                               Movie create such a great understanding of the novel and we also understand the novel by the movie. Because director use originals dialogues in the movie and use many view points about the characters. Victor is inventor and he invent such a great thing and he creat man after his death and he was successful but he also make mistake and his invention look is so dangerous and people call him monster.

# what do you think about the Creation of lady monster in the novel and Elizabeth's look of a monster in movie? 

                                      Elsa lanchester as the monster's Bride with Boris karloff as the monster in  bride's conical hairdo, with its while lighting trace streaks on each side, has become an iconic symbol of both the character and the film. Victor can't create any monster in the book or also in the movie. Victore invent such a great thing but for his some small mistake he look like monster, Elizabeth is his wife and love so he accept her and she is not monster in the movie.

# Think about Victor's acceptance of Elizabeth and rejection of the monster.

                          We know that there are little bit changes in the original novel and the movie by Kenneth Branagh, Because marry shelly, while her description of creation rather than see it or look it but in the movie we can see that how victor Frankenstein creates the lady monster is the result of broke the promise of the monster by victor Frankenstein. Victor love Elizabeth so much so he accept her and in last he think about his first creation. His also look like monster and he can't accept him because of his look and also society.

# Do you think the director is faithful to the novel? 

                              Kenneth Branagh is faithful to the novel. Yes there are some changes in the movie but still Kenneth Branagh become successful to give different shapes to the movie.
                                   Thank you......


Romantic Age with nature

Nature :

                        Here I would like to write blog on nature, what is nature for me, what is my feelings in natural beauty and how natural things teach us life lessons.

                 The word nature is derived from the Latin word nature, or 'essential qualities innate disposition', and in ancient times, literally meant birth. Nature is a Latin translation of the Greek word physics, wich originally related to the intrinsic characteristics that plants, animals, and other features of the world develop of their own accord. The concept of nature as a whole, the physical universe, is one of several expansions of nature.

# my understanding with nature... 
                         When we are surrounded by nature. Natural things and beauty provides us aesthetic delight. The air smells sweeter, the sun burns brighter, nature is our origin and the place, where all our subtle needs for beauty. Mystery and adventure are met. Nature holds many gifts for us but if we prove willing to explore its diversity.

                     Nature could be simply described as the things which are not made by human beings. The importance of nature could never be ignored since the survival of human race on this planet is only possible because of nature. The air we breathe, the food we eat or the house we live in are the gifts of our mother nature.

                        The nature has provided enough to serve the needs of the human civilization by the Greek of the people has made activities, be it unprecedented industrialization, deforestation or pollution of all types.

                         The surroundings we live in, the natural resources or food we consume are all parts of nature. Nature provides the sustainable environment and necessary resources essential for the survival like air, water, soil etc.

                           Nature helps to flourish the ecosystem and biodiversity of our planet by providing all the necessary resources required for their growth and development trees, plants and forest are the vital parts of nature which provide oxygen. The bccsic requirement for the survival of any living beings. The chirping of brides, buzzing of insects and rusting of leaves are the sound of nature which relaxed our mind and calms our soul from within.

     Thank you........

Matthew Arnold's poetry and criticism

Matthew Arnold 's poetry & criticism

                   Matthew Arnold was an English poet and cultural critic who worked as an inspector of schools. Matthew Arnold was born on 24 December 1822 and died on 15 April 1888,He was son of thomas Arnold.
                    " Matthew Arnold", wrote G. W. E. Russell in portraits of the seventies, is "a man of the world entirely free from world in and a man of letters without the faintest trace of pedantry", Arnold was a familiar figure at the Athenaeum club. And in the intervals of supporting himself and his family by the quiet drudgery of school inspecting. Filled notebook after notebook with meditations of an almost monastic tone.

Good poetry and criticism

                   Matthew Arnold's poetry includes reflections on life, an appreciation for the culture and thought of classical antiquity, and contemplation of the shortcomings of modern life. One of the best example of these themes is his poem 'Dover Beach'.

                      Dover Beach is set on the English side of the strait of Dover, the point in England closest to continental Europe. The poem features a speaker addressing. His beloved, describing the beautiful view of the waves and the sounds of the seashore.

                        Arnold's interest in classical antiquity is also found in his literary criticism. He placed great value in the poetry of classical source like homer, and he wrote about the need for modern poets to learn from the old masters. Modern life, in his view, was too focused on the material world.

                       Arnold's poem 'Empedocles on Etna' combines the themes of classical antiquity and sadness together, written in blank verse, this poem is comprised primarily of in-rhymed lines. It explores the thoughts and feeling of the Greek philoshopher Empedocles in the houres before his death.

                                          Thank you.....


Thinking Activity : - language lab software

  Hello readers!                            Here I am going to wrote about the Language Lab software and NAMO E TAB. This is my academic tas...