Wednesday, 30 September 2020

Thinking Activity : The scarlet letter

 Thinking Activity :- The scarlet letter

  Hello reader's!

                    Here I am going to wrote about the scarlet letter written by Nathaniel Hawthorne. This is my academic Activity is give by my teacher Heenaba Zala medam. Here is my task link. 


                        The scarlet letter written by Nathaniel Hawthorne. The scarlet letter A romance is a work of historical fiction by American author Nathaniel Hawthorne, published in 1850.set in puritan Massachusetts bay colony during the years 1642 to 1649,the novel tells the story of Hester prynne who conceives a daughter through an affair and then struggles to create a new life of repentance and dignity. 

                   The scarlet letter was one of the first mass-produced book in America. It was popular when first published and is considered a classic work today. 

                           The man theme in the scarlet letter, as in most of Howthron's work, is that of sin and it's effects both on the individual and on society. In the play Hester is center, her situation Becomes the important part of the play. It is frequently noted that the Howthron preoccupation with son springs from the puritan rooted culture. 

                  I Want to write a few words about how I am approaching this novel in terms of history. Though Hawthorn was very interested in seventeenth century puritan history, a Google search shows that there is till ideological accuracy of the story. Though I think that this is a topic worthy topic of exploration, I will put that aside when talking about the novel in this post. 

Hester is the most virtuous character in the book. However, her sin is not excused. She is remorseful for it. In fact, it is eventually revealed that she tries to show regret for it decades after the fact. Yet she is surrounded by the hypocritical, the malicious and the cowardly whose flaws eclipses hers. 

                        Though Hester is flawed it seems that Hawthorne is illustrating what he believes is positive and good in the world when he points out the many admirable aspects to her nature. Hester takes responsibility for her actions, thinks for herself, is a good mother etc. 

                       The comparison between Hester and Dimmesdale is interesting. There is obvious irony when one compares the two. To the citizens of massacre there is a contrast. In their eyes, Hester is a sinful and quality women exposed to public shame. 

                      When puritan society was forcing Hester to admit her adultery. It was not because they think that adultery is wrong but it is taught to through religion and riligiios masters. The cause of the crowd having the same idea was not cause true beloved it, it was taught to them. Their teachers forced them to accept these ideas, not allowing them to question the teachings. And become the medium of expression for pearl and Hester. In scarlet letter, characters believes in supernatural elements. 


                      The scarlet letter takes us to the early days of puritan society. This book has derived it's title from the custom which was strictly practiced by the puritan settles. The evil nature could be the result of arcumstaces, no one Is born evil but it's up to us how we tackle with situation and it depends upon our choice. 

                                      Thank you... 


Wednesday, 23 September 2020

Thinking Activity :- Virginia Woolf ''s " To The Lighthouse"

 Thinking Activity :- Virginia Woolf " To The Lighthouse"

About the author :- Virginia Woolf

Thinking Activity : The waste land

 Thinking Activity : The waste Land

Hello reader's 

                        Here I am going to wrote about my answer to the three question about contradiction of Eliot with Nietzache and Freud and the use of Indian thought in ' The Waste Land'. This thinking Activity is giving by Dilip Bard sir Department of English MK Bhavnagar University.

                           " The Waste Land" is a modern epic poem written by T. S. Eliot. This poem is divided into the five parts which represents the sexual perversion and spiritual degradation.

(1) what are your views on the following image after reading ' The Waste Land'? Do you think that Eliot is regressive as compared to Nietzache ''s views? Or Has Eliot achieved university of thoughts by recalling mytho historical answer to the contemporary malaise?

Ans :-                   here we can see the conflict of different views between Eliot and Nietzache. Eliot believe in supernatural power whereas Nietzache like an atheist, but both are right in their own way. Thorough the mythical views like upnishada, logic, supernatural power and verious culture, Eliot wants to evoke the people that past is very good lesson to make better future, people can learn through past and from supernatural things.

                     So we cannot say that Eliot is regressive as compared to Nietzache ''s views because Eliot is using the past reference to answer contemporary malaise. Here we can see the conflict of different views between conflict of different views between Eliot and Nietzache. Eliot believe in supernatural power and various. Cultures, As a writer it is a persone choice to go forward or background and if we talk about the weste land than yes, he goes in past and I believe that Eliot's idea of going back to Holy scriptures for finding a solution of present malaise are regressive. Every Holi book says that don't attached too much with material thing clife all have to taste flavour of death so be a spiritual soul. Nietzache believe in 'vbermench' who gave solution to the problem for contemporary crisis, for instantce, we can take an example of Hitler, he also want to give solution to contemporary crisis but it bring chats in the society. 

                                According to me, the views of Eliot can be considered as more realistic than nietzache. Nietzache finds the solution of present in future while Eliot is finding the solution of present in future in past because past is like a mirror as well as lesson for people that is why Ejliot make his views university. 

(2) what are your views regarding these comments is it true that giving free vent to the represented ' primitive instinct' lead us to happy and satisfied life? Or do you agree with Eliot's view that 'salvation of man lies in the preservation of the cultural tradition? 

 Ans :-                    yes, it is truth that giving free vent to the represented primitive instinct can lead us to happy and satisfied life, but individually things and happiness which is satisfying us can harm others and which give pleasure to others can harm us. But as per Eliot views if all follow such cul, tradition and belief. Here Eliot seems more powerful than Freud because if we live our lives with some discipline or with the organization than life becomes easier. 

(3) write about allusion to the Indian thought in " The Weste land" 

( were, How and why are the Indian thoughts referred?) 

Ans :-                        " In the weste land" Eliot has presented various cultures and language to cannot. The world with one universal thought. The poem was a combination of vivid languages and myths. So here I found many reference of the Indian ideas, river and story also like as, the allusion to the Indian thought. Eliot mentioned in the last part of the poem.

" Ganga was sunken, and the limps leaves

Wited for rain, while the black louds 

Gathered far distant, over Himvant

The jungle crouched bumped in silence".

Then Eliot gives three ' Da'

1] 'Datta' :- the first Da " Datta" means to

                  give. Give sacrife for others 

                   and help to others.

2] ' Dayadhvam' :- The second Da "                                                Dayadhvam" means                                         sympathies and                                              empathise with others.

3] ' Damyata' :- Third Da ' Damyata' means                              self - control, control over                              the senses

                          As per my view every religion have good thoughts and ideas but upanishads idea of peace does not mean just a state of no war neither it is limited just to men or countries and communities. 

Shantih mantra 

                        This poem is completed with that words of ' shantih'. Eliot used shantih mantra in the context of peace of the world. Peace leads to us new creation and hope. So here question is that why Eliot used Indian reference in the weste land. May be I think that waste land is not another land but Eliot interpreted condition of his country.

                                 Thank you... 

Saturday, 12 September 2020

General characteristics of the 20th century

 General characteristics of the 20th century

Hello reader's!

                            Here I am going to wrote about general characteristics of the 20th century. This task is given by Dilip Bard sir, M. K. Bhavnagar University. The 20th century was a century that began on 1901 and ended on was the 2nd millennium.


                            The 20th century was dominanted by a chain of events that heralded significant changes in world history as to redefine the Era. Yet some historical event or landmark has to be sought to mark the beginning and end of a certain age. Thus the year 1902 can be fixed as the year marking the end of the Victorian age and the beginning of the modern Age. For it is the year of queen Victoria's death.

                       Many of the poets, dramatist, novelists and prose writers were born in the victorian age but they continued living and writing well upto the third or fourth decade of the twentieth century. 

                         Here is some general characteristics of the 20th century. 


1) symbolism 

                             Symbolism in France began as a reaction against naturalism and realism, movements which attempted to objectively capture reality. The practice of representing things by means of symbols or of attributing symbolic meaning to objects, events or relationships. Pouring the 20th century the use of symbolism become a major force in British literature. T. S. Eliot adapted it in the development of his individual style and praised it in his criticism. The most outstanding development of symbolism was in the art of the novel. 

2) Surrealism 

                       A 20th century aesthetic artisticn and cultural movement developed in France that attempt to express the workings of sun-conscious mind. They focused upon using all forms of arts as a means to express the real functioning of human mind. 

3) Dadaism

                                  A nihilistic art movement especially in painting that flourished in Europe early the 20th century. Based on irradiationality and nagation of the accepted laws of beauty. It Is a protest against the barbarism of war the rejection of prevailing standards of art and ignored logical relationship between idea and statement, argued for absolute freedom, delivered itself of numerous provocative manifestos. 

4) Cubism

                 A 20th century art movement that inspired other art froms. In cubism artworks, objects are broken up and reassemble into an abstract from. Cubist poetry attempts to do in vers what cubist painters. On canuas ; that is, take the elements of an experience, fragment them, and then rearrange them in a meaningful new synthesis. 

5) Existentialism 

                        It is a concept that became pomlar during the second world war in France. Existentialists believe that life is very difficult and that it doesn't have an objective or universally known value, but that the individual must create value by affirming it and living it, not NY talking about it. 

6) Impressionism 

                         The term ' Impressionism' comes from the school of mid-nineteenth century France painting. The impressionist made the act of perception the key for the understanding of structure of reality. They developed a technique by which objects were not seen as solids but as fragments of color which the spectaor's eye unified. 

7) Futurism 

                          In the 1920's and 1930's the term Futurism was loosely used to describe a wide variety of aggressively modern styles in art and literature. The futurists love speed, noice, machines, pollution and cities as they embraced the exciting new world that was then upon them. Futurist painting were mad to glotity life. Futurists developed to glorify urban life as well as machine and industrialization. 

8) Formalism 

.                           Writers of the modernist period saw literature more as a craft than a flowering of creativity. They belived that poems and novels were constructed from smaller parts instead of the parlier generations had described. The idea of literature as craft fed the modernist desire for creativity and originality. 

9) Absurdity 

                           The carnage of Two world wars profoundly affected writers of the period. Everal great English poets dies or were wounded in WWI. At the same time, global capitalism was recognizing society at every level. For many writers, the world was becoming a more absurd place every day. Modernist authors deplacted this absurdity in their works Franz Kafka's " The Metamorphosis" in which a traveling salesman is transformed into an insect - like creature, is an example ofodrrn absurdism. 

10) Experimentation 

.                      Writers btoks free of old forms and techniques. Poets abandoned traditional rhyme schemes and wrote in free verse novelists defied all expectations. Writers mixed images from the past with modern languages and themes, creating a collage of styles. The inner workings of consciousness were a common subjects for modernist. This preoccupation led to a form of narration called stream of consciousness, where the point of view of novel. 


                           So here is my blog about some characteristics of 20th century. The century saw a major shift in the way that many people lived, with change in politics, ideology, economics, society, culture, science, technology, and medicine. The 20th century may have seen mor technological and scientific progress than all the other centuries combined since the dawn of civilization. 

                                       Thank you... 


Wednesday, 9 September 2020

Thinking Activity :-Identify modern Images, metaphors - short modern poems

 Thinking Activity : - Identify modern Images, metaphors - short modern poems

Hello reader's 

                          Here I am going to sher my view upon this Activity. This task was about modernism and modernist poem. We have to find modernist symbol, metaphor and imagery form the very short poem. 


                        Modernism is a philosophical movement that, along with cultural trends and changes, arose from wide - scale and far reaching transformations in western society during the 19th and early 20th centuries. 

                        Modernism is a period in literary history which started around the early 1900s and continued until the early 1940s. Modernist writers in general rebelled against clear-cut storytelling and formulaic verse from the 19th century. Modernism in general, includes the activities and creations of those who felt the traditional forms of art, architecture, literature, religious faith, philosophy, social organization, activities of daily life, and sciences, were becoming I'll-fifty end to their tasks and outdated in the economic, social, and political element. 

Some characteristics of modernism 

1) Art of life's sake 

2) passing for Humanity 

3) Isolation 

4) fragmentation 

5) addressing inner thoughts of regular people

6) Religion and mysticism 

7) Diction and style 

8) Experiments became necessary. 

1] "The Embankment " by T. E. Hulme

                           T. E. Hulme was influential poet and thinker in twentieth century. He Revolutionzed the way English poetry approached issues of rlyme, meter and imagery " The Embarkment" is one of the best know poem. The poem is about the homeless poor people and fallen gentleman reflects on his past, it is may be related to sexuality. This poem has complicated into seven lines. The poem then ends with the poem's speaker beseeching God to make a blanket of the star, sky so that the speaker's wish for warmth might be granted. 

2] " Darkness" by joseph campbell 

                       Joseph campbell was an Irish poet, American professor of literature. He writes similar kind of poetry to Humlet at around the same time though they were working independently of each other. Here title itself reflects some kind of the darkness. In the poem poet present view of night that how the sky has because dark without star and furies night. This poem has completed into four lines. According to my opinion darkness also connected with death and something happening bad. 

3] " Image" by Edward storer

                         Edward storer was clearly influenced by Japanese from such as the haiku, this poem has completed into only three lines. The title suggest itself the image of Victorian age. Poem is depiction of forsaken lover thair way of living, they requires purity like moon. 

4] "In a station of the metro" by Ezra pound 

Ezra poud arrived at this two lines poem after writing a much longer draft which he than cut down, line by line, this poem's structure against the Victorian poems. Victorian used to write very short poem like the metro spreed. The lifeless people going for the daily routine. The crowd of people are like living dead ' petals' is used as metaphor for people and ' black bough' for a culture of living dead. 

5] "The pool" by Hilda Doolittle 

                      A poem is written by Hilda Doolittle. " H. D. Doolittle was an American poet, novelist and memorist, associated with the early 20th avant-garde images group of poets, including Ezra Pound and Richard Aldimgton. The title  pool" is also symbolize the stillness like water store in it which don't have flowness which is most important things in the life to flow from one to another. 

6] " Insouciance" by Richard Aldimgton 

                                                     " In and out of the dreary trenches,
                                                       Trudging cheerily under the stars,
                                                       I make for myself little the stars,
                                                       Delicate as a flock of doves.
                                                       They fly away like white-winged doves."

                        Richard Aldimgton, born Edward Godfree Aldimgton was an English writer and poet. Aldimgton was known best for his first world war this poem, poet compare his poems with dove. Here the words like ' Trudging and' cheerily' gives contrasting meaning. These words give the image of life where we are doing many things unwilling It looks he want to be free. 

7]  " Morning at the window by T. 'S. Eliot 

                         This poem has completed into nine lines. It is an rhymed poem according to my point of view speaker watched terrible sight out side from the window at early morning. He saw poor condition of his country and people who lived on the pavement. They had not even enough food for eating and another side children played in mud. 

8] "The Red wheelbarrow" by William Carlos Williams 

                         With four stanzas the poem describe in humongous details not just a wheel barrow but a whole scene, a moment. Stuck in time. William carols William was an American poet and physician closely associated with modernism and imagism. In this poem we find metaphors like " red wheel barrow" and" white chicken "it represents craftsmanship of framer.

9]" Anecdote of the jar " by Wallace Steven 

                   Wallace Steven was an American modernist poet. He won American modernist poet. He won the pulitzer prize for poetry doe his collected poems in 1955. This is a imaginative poem which exaggerate the picture of jar. Poet placed that jar upon hill, jar reminds us the Grecian urn of Keats. This poem solves the riddle by recognizing ng the unique differences between art and nature. Art my sometimes be more beautiful than nature but it cannot be as creative as the nature. 

10] " I" E. E. Cumming 

   " l ( a...( a leaf falls on loneliness)
                                               l ( a

                           Cumming was an American poet, painter, essayist, author and playwright. Structure of poem also suggest fall by loneliness as many characters are separated from each other and for make a word they have to be together. It was creative poem with imagination. In the poem few lines but it's gives the feeling of loneliness. It's good idea. About one single leaf fall on the ground which make poem very interesting. 

                                                 Thank you... 

Sunday, 6 September 2020

Thinking Activity : charlie chaplin's films " The morden Time's" & " The Great dictator"

Thinking Activity : - charlie chaplin's films " The morden Time's" & " The Great dictator"

      Hello reader's!

                              Here I am going to wrote about the morden film. Charlie chaplin's films "The morden Time's" & "The Great dictator". This task is our thinking Activity given by Dilip Bard sir in Department of English MK Bhavnagar University.

 Charlie chaplin 

           Sir charlies Spencer chapline was an English comic actor, film maker, and composer. Who rose to fame in the Era of silent film. He became a worldwide icon through his screen persona, " The tramp", and is considered one of the most important figures in the history of the film industry.
              His career spanned more than 75 years, from childhood in the Victorian Era until a year before his death in 1977 and encompassed both adulation and controversy. He continues to be held in high regarded with the gold, rush, city light, modern times, and the great Dictator often renked on lists of the greatest films of all time.

' Morden Time'

                            Morden Time's was Charlie's first film after five year of hibernation in the 1930s.He didn't much like talkies, and despite the introduction of sound in 1927,his " city light" was definitely silent. 

                       A lot of movies are said to be timeless, but somehow In their importantly they fail to draw audiences. They lead a sort of half life in film society revivals, and turn up every now and then on the late show. They're classics, everyone agrees, but that word "classic" has become terribly cheap in relation to movies. 
                        ' The morden Times' is very apt and important regarding movie context. Title shows the pride of mordenity in itself, it suggesting the modern time morden culture, modern things somehow it suggest a human being that there is no space for whom who can't make a synchronization with modern time. 
                        Movie shows us that poor people controlled by the factory owner as the employment in their factories is poor essential need. There is one scene in the movie where charlie used to do an experiment of food feeding machine, here we can find that for the wealthy people, poor are just a kind of objective thing to do an experiments. 

                       Last scene of movie is very apt because it represents nature over machinery. It indicate that ultimately only and only nature can make a person delighted. At last the natural tendency of human being Becomes superior on industrialization as it seems that charlie and his friend Gemin get out into the lap of nature from the society and machines. 

'The Great dictator '

                                 The Great dictator is a 1940 American political satire comedy - drama film written, directed produced, scored by and starring British comedian charlie chaplin.

                             Charlie chaplin's outstanding performance in his classic film, "The Great dictator" along with his incredible supporting cast, touch base on slot of sad situations during the war. Charlin along with his cast has incorporated comedy in such a very sad point in time. He drives home such a wonderful and powerful speech about coming together as coviliz people.

                 After dedicated service in the Great war, a Jewish barber spends years in an army hospital, anaware of the simultaneous rise of fascist dictator Adenoid Hynkel and his anti - Semitic policies.

                       So this film chaplin along with his cast has incorporated comedy in such a very sad point in time. He drives home such a wonderful and powerful speech about coming together as coviliz people. 

                              Thank you.. 

Tuesday, 1 September 2020

Bilingualisam, trilingualism and multilingualisam

 Bilingualisam, trilingualism and multilingualism

Hello readers!

                             In this blog I am going to wrote the English language and Teching papers few terms, Bilingualisam, Trilingualism and Multilingualisam. Here we find that three are deferent worlds used for single phrase according to various nation. 



                       Fluency in or use of two languages 

                            Bilingualisam is the ability of an individual or the members of a community to use two languages effectively. 

Example :-  કેમ છો ( ગુજરાતી)

                    केसे है ( हिन्दी) 

                    How are you ( English) 

                    কেমন আছো ( बंगाली) 




                            The ability to speak three languages. 

 Example :-  (1) game ( English) 

                      રમત ( ગુજરાતી) 

                      खेल ( हिन्दी) 

                     Jeux ( french) 

                     (2)  Rhythm ( English) 

                           લય ( ગુજરાતી) 

                            ছন্দ ( bangoli) 

                          ताल ( हिन्दी) 




                        The ability to communicate effectively in three or more language.

                       The definition of Multilingualisam is a subject of debate in the same way as that of language fluency.


 Example :- सखा ( हिन्दी) 

                    મિત્ર ( ગુજરાતી) 

                     دوست( उर्दू)

                So here I am going to write some examples of this three terms bilingualisam, trilingualism and multilingualism.

                               Thank you... 

Thinking Activity : - language lab software

  Hello readers!                            Here I am going to wrote about the Language Lab software and NAMO E TAB. This is my academic tas...