Saturday, 12 October 2019
Thursday, 10 October 2019
Hitixa Goswami's Assignment PAPER - 4
- Name :- Hitixa Goswami
- Class:M.A.sem 1
- Beach :- 2019-2021
- Roll No :- 13
- Enrollment No:- 2069108420200013
- Subject :Indian writing in English
- Assignment Topic :- The purpose Theory of subaltern
- EMAIL :-
Words :-1,135
' the purpose 'written by T. P. Kailasam is a short in the mahabharata invovling Drona, Arjuna, and Eklavya. Drona is a skilled teacher. Renown throughout the land of his wisdom and skill. In the field of literature we have many form of art like Drama, short story, novel poetry, Essays etc. In the form of the Indian writing we find many well known dramatist who wrote very beautiful drama or play like Tagore, Aurobindo, Harindranath Chattopadhyay, T. P. kailasam etc.
- Eklavya story in Mahabharata
This Eklavya story based on Adiparva from Mahabharata. Mahabharata is indian Epic and Eklavya was a This Eklavya story based on Adiparva from Mahabharata. Mahabharata is indian Epic and Eklavya was a nishada boy. He was a poor hu hunter, He wanted to Dronacharya and requested him to teach archery. Drona was the teacher of the royal family. Arjun was disciple of Drona in gurukul.At that time as a rule that only king's son and Brahmins were study in Gurukul not any common people like Eklavya wanted to learn Archery very deeply so on the other side Drona could not accepted but he made a statue of his Guru Drona and start his practice and after many years he became a good archer and one day guru Drona and Arjuna find Eklavya, they know that he became good archer at that time Arjuna became very angry and asked guru what is this? And then Guru asked Gurudakshina at that time Eklavya gave his thumb without any hesitation.
- Mining of the Subaltern
It refers to the populations that are socially, politically and geographically outside of the hegemonic power structure of the colony and of the colonial homeland. The term "'Subaltern " is used in the fields of history, anthropology, sociology, human geography and literary criticism.
In postcolonial theory the term subaltern describes the lower class people and who are at the margins of a society. We find that. Many people are subaltern and many cast also in our India.
- Subaltern in 'the purpose '
A subaltern is someone with law ranking in social. Political, or other hierarchy, it can also means someone who has been marginalised or oppressed.
The term subaltern describes the lower social classes and the other social groups displaced to the margins of a society, in an imperial colony, a Subaltern is a native manor women without human agency. As defined by his and her social status nonetheless, the feminist scholar gayatri Chakraborty spivak cautioned against an over broad application of the term the subaltern.
After examine the character of Eklavya are marginalised in ancient society Eklavya has to suffers a lot. Eklavya faces all the problems and do lots of struggles he comes out with flying colors and emerge as the tragic hero of the play 'The purpose'.
Resemblance and antithesis between Arjun and Eklavya when we talk about these two major characters first of all we have to discussed that, that there are some similarities and some differentiate between there two character. So let's have as briefly look on that.
Arjun character in"The Purpose "is portrayed as a rude and self - proud person while in original text he is very humble and gread.
Than I was read this story I can Understand that Drona is ideal teacher because, Eklavya was the son of a poor hunters. He wanted to learn archery to save the deer in the forest that were being hunted by the leopards. So he want to Dronacharya and requested him to teach him archery. Dronacharya was the teacher of the royal family.
This is not far Eklavya in his heart had already accepted Dronacharya as his guru. He went home and made a Stata of his guru and practice. He learn archery and became better than the state princess at the arts. He became so good at that, he would hear the sound of the animal. Shootan arrow at it and claim the animals.
One day, Aryana, the prince found out about this talented archer. Making matters worse, he saw that Eklavya was far better than him. He went to Eklavya and asked him, who throught you archery? "
Dronacharya blessed Eklavya with immortality by asking him for his thumb so when people think of devotion they think of Eklavya,and not Arjuna.
In the play Arjuna was a small boy who goes to guru Drona 's ashram for learning archery with pandava and cousin brothers kauravas. Guru Dronacharya was best teacher of archary bhisma knows that so he sent his grand children to learn archery from him ni the mahabharata Arjun was fast learner archery and he is favourite student of guru Dronacharya gives promise to him that he became best archery in the world.
- Eklavya 's character of the purpose
Eklavya is the protagonist of this play' The purpose he is a nishada boy. He also wants to become the best archer of the world. He always speaks whether he thinks to be true. He had gret esteem. He really likes the technique of guru Dronacharya but he also recognize Arjun as his companion. Eklavya is the main character of T. P. Kailasam's play "The purpose" it is taken from the mahabharata in Mahabharata he is not powerful character, but in this play he is powerful character drawn by T. P. Kailasam. He was a nishada boy. Once he was tack with his mother about archery that he wants to become best archer. In that world, that time his mother told him that guru Dronacharya was the best teacher for archery if he accept you as a student so you became best archery. That time he decided that he learn archery from guru Dronacharya.
- Comparison between Arjun and Eklavya
The similarity between both the characters is that both want to become the world's best archer. Though the aim is same, the purpose for it is different. Arjuna has the personal purpose and Eklavya's purpose is to save the animals. So we can say here that this all the things are about "The purpose" that how the purpose is different from each other. So here we can say that the title of this play is appropriate and well chose by the playwright of his play.
- Conclusion :-
This play was situated to education in school and college. Was not productive wich would break down the social, rilligional and linguistics barriers. It never homed at makin people masters of technology it also did not focus on fighting injustices, intolerance and superstition this was the play the purpose.
Thank you...Hitixa Goswami's Assignment PAPER - 3
Name :- Hitixa Goswami
Class:- M. A. Sem 1
Beach :-2019-2021
Roll No:-13
Enrollment No:-2069108420200013
Subject :Literary Theory & criticism
Assignment Topic :- William wordsworth and samuel Coleridge as a poet in Romanticism
Word :- 1,044
- About william wordsworth
William wordsworth was born on 7 April 1770,in U. K. and he was Died on 23 April 1850.he was gave education is Hawkshead Grammer school university of Cambridge. William wordsworth was an English Romantic poet who with samuel Taylor coleridge, helped to lunch the Romantic Age in English literature with their joint publication Lyrical Ballads.
Wordsworth's magnumopus in generally considered to be the preclude,a semi autobiographical poem of his early year that he revised and expanded of number of times. It was published by his wife in the year of his death, before which it was generally known as "the poem to Coleridge. Wordsworth was Britain's poet laureate from 1843 until his death from pleurisy on 23 April 1850.
- His major works
- Lyrical Ballads, with a few other poems" simon lee".
- Preface to the Lyrical Ballads.
- Poems, in two volumes "resolution and indipandence"
- "French Revolution "
- "To the cuckoo"
- "Laodamia "
William wordsworth and samuel Taylor coleridge differ in opinion on the correct understanding of poems and poetry as expressed in their respective writings preface to Lyrical Ballads,and biographia literaria. For making this point clear we have to understand both the writers and their works in deep that what they said and what is their point of view. Where they makes difference in their thinking and how they define poetry or diffenate poetry.
Wordsworth admonishes simplicity of Diction and style which is also evident of his famous preface but coleridge is know for his convoluted esoteric and philosophical language in his biographia literaria.
Braking with earlien eighteen century, which maintained that poetry should be rational and objective, Wordsworth's "preface to the Lyrical Ballads" focused on the subjectivity of the individual He writes, Humble and rustic life was genuinely chosen, passions of the heart. Speak a planner and more emphatic language, notice that in the preface to "Lirical Ballads" there is not much about imagination.
- About Semuel Taylor Coleridge
Samuel Taylor coleridge was an English poet, literary critic, philoshopher and theologian who with his friend william wordsworth was a founder of the Romantic movement in England and a member of the tack poets. He was born on 21 october 1772, and Died on 25 July 1838.He was gave education is Christ's Hospital university of Cambridge. He also shared volumes and collaborated with charles Lamb. Robert southey, and charles Lioyd.
He wrote the poems 'The Rime of the ancient mariner and Kubla khan, as well as the major prose work Biographia literaria. His critical work, especially on william Shakespeare, was highly influential, and he helped introduce jarman idealist philosophy to English speaking culture.
Coleridge brought back the issue of imagination and fancy in his discussion of poetry in "Biographia literaria" while to wordsworth, imagination was something take for granted, especially in poets, Coleridge, while agreeing with wordsworth's premise, nevertheless, clarifies for himself what imagination was what was the difference between century critics tended to merge to gather.
We have see that coleridge somethings seem inconsistent in the development of essential terms and concept, but his repeated avowl of "The necessity of bottoming on fixed principles" lends rigor and relevance to all of his prose writings far beyond their immediate context.
Wordsworth and Coleridge on "tow cardinal points of poetry the power of exciting the sumpathy of the reader by faithful adherence to the truth of mature, and the power of giving the interest of novelty by the modifying colours of imagination. The thought suggested itself. That a series of poems might be composed of two sorts. In the one, the incidents and agents were to be supernatural. For the second class. Subjects were to be chosen from ordinary life. The characters and incidents were to be such as will be found in every village and its vicinity.
Wordsworth and coleridge were fed up with the decorative language of the 18th century poets and were dissatisfied with the kind of poetry. Which was written by the peseude classical poets of the 18th century poets and were dissatisfied with the Kind of poetry, which was written by the pseudo - classical poets of 18th century. Both of them felt that the type of poetry, produced was neither desirable nor pleading to the heart and soul of Man. They were both gifted with imagination, sensibility and creative power. But there were certain marked difference in their temperament.
- Wordsworth and Coleridge as the poet of Romanticism.
Wordsworth and Coleridge both the poets. Were related with Romantic age both the poets were related with Romantic age both the poet were passionate and enthusiasm it is important to get the knowledge of Romanticism.
Romanticism generally speaking is the expression in terms of Art of sharpend sensibilities and hight end imaginative feelings, Emotion and imagination are the bedrock of romanticism, imagination is the flight of sensibility. Romanticism stands for freedom and liberty, and has there fore been designated as "liberalism in literature". The poetry of this age was marked by intense human sympathy and a consequent understanding of the human heart. Romanticism is the way of looking at life not the way of orderliness, clarity and tranquility but the way of exuberance and emotional enthusiasm.
Conclusion :-
We can say that both the poets have some sort of similarities also and both were differing also with each other. Only thing we can noticed between both the poets that coleridge was lives into the free world which he has created in his own and was addicted with opium and other thing also and so Many people thought that it was the end of Coleridge's writing of poetry and poet felt that he could not write much. But Wordsworth continued to composing poetry have has not left his one way of looking side and result that before his mighty production, Coleridge's poem appear to be very feeble and slender. Still in the little gold Coleridge has left behind, there is much to find than in the whole masses of the poem.
Thank you...
Hitixa Goswami's Assignment PAPER - 2
- Name:-Hitixa Goswami
- Class:M. A. Sem 1
- Roll No:- 13
- Beach :-2019-2021
- Anrollment No:-2069108420200013
- Subject :- neo classical literature
- Assignment Topic :plot construction of Tom jones.
- Email
- Word:- 1,087
- # A Plot construction of Tom jones
Tom jones was written by henry fielding The history of Tom jones, a founding, often known simply as tom jones, is a comic novel by the English playwright and novelist Henry Fielding. The novel is both a Bildungsroman and a picaresque novel. First published on 28 February 1749 in London. Tom jones is among the earliest English prose works describable as a novel.
In the beginning of the novel description of squire Allworthy is given, They are rich. While returning he found a baby there, after search they concluded that it must be a child of jenny jones a servant of a school master and his wife. Child is named Tom jones.
Start the novel narrator says that squire Allworthy, one of the richest and most benevolent men in England. After the death infancy of his three children and the death of his wife, he now lives with his maiden sister, Bridget. Squire Allworthy returning from a lengthy business trip. To London, finds a baby in his bed and commands an elderly servant, Mrs. Deborah Wilkins, to provide for it until morning. At breakfast the next morning, Allworthy announces his intention to keep the child and rear him as him own son. Mrs. Wilkis is given the task of inquiring through the parish to discover the child's mother. Miss Bridget is left with the responsibility of seeing to the child's needs "her orders indeed so liberal, that, had it been a child of her own, she could not have exceeded them".
After that second Book tom's Eight months after Bridge and the captain are married, they become the parents of son. The brith of this "true heir", however, in no way detracts from squire Allworthy's affectiv for his adopted founding, thought up to captain Blifil spends much effort trying to convince him that bastards. Due to their ignominious birth, Tom and also Allworthy's affections for him. Meanwhile mrs. Willins has not been in active she has managed to discover Tom's true father, the school master, partridge.
Tom Jones is so excited that he begins to get drunk and gets into a fight with Blifil. Sophia wants to conceal her love for Tom so he gives a majority of her attention to Blifil when the three of them are together. This leads to Sophia's aunt, Mrs western believing that sophia and Blifil are in love Tom is thus squire Allworthy's nephew. After finding out about the intrigues of Blifil, who is Tom's half-brother, Allworthy decides to bestow most of his inheritance on Tom. After Tom's true parentage is revealed the and sophia marry. As squire western no longer harbours any misgivings about Tom marrying his daughter, and the couple live on happily the blessings of squire western and squire Allworthy.
The narrator reintroduces us to Tom Jones, now about fourteen years old, a young man who, it seems, is rather prone to vice. At least, everyone in Allworthy home was long proclaimed this to be the case and wondered why Allworthy allows Tom to remain in the same house with young Blifil, who is as virtuous as Tom is dishonest, Tom is particularly prone to probbery and his been convicted of three such crimes stealing frait from an richard, a from young Blifil 's pocket. However, it is generally unknown that the first two of these were done for the needy family of Allworthy' s gamekeeper.
Tom, who has become great friends with squire western, due to his equestrian and hunting skills, now decides to prevail upon him, Through his daughter sophia, to hire black George no easy under taking since gorge has, by means of the rabhit incident, made himself most unpopular.
Fielding brings his heroine, miss sophia western, onto the stage in the most grandiloquent manner possible. At the age of eighteen she is a most charming lady. Her beautifully proportioned boys is equalled by her intelligence, and her natural inclinatura have been improved by the careful instructions of her aunt, for her mother died some time ago an only child, she is deeply loved by her father.
After that tom is recuperating in squire wester's home. He was general visitors who tack the opportunity of lecturing at length. Allworthy speaks repeatedly of Tom's misdoings, advising that he must mend his way or lose his happiness and his adopted father's favor.
After that last view on the novel as well as Mr. Waters leaves and Tom's meditating on his some what precarious state, partridge, in a shockingly disheveled. State, partridge asks Tom if the lady who just left was the mrs. Waters at uptom in. Tom says that she is and that is hardly a scerect that he has been to bed with her. Partridge cries, Although partridge has no luck in this quest, Tom does receive a letter from Mrs. Waters she tells him she will tack the firect possible opportunity to see him.
Squire western, Mr. Western, Blifil and Allworthy arrive in London, and squire western locks sophia in her bedroom, Mr Fitzpatrick thanks Tom is his wife's lover and begins a duel with Tom, in defending himself, Tom stabs Fitzpatrick with the sword and is thrown into jail. She also tells Allworthy that a lawyer acting on behalf of an unnamed gentlemen tried to persuade her to conspire against Tom. Allworthy realizes that Blifil is this very gentleman, and he decides to never speak to him again.
Tom is realised from jail and he and Allworthy are reunited as nephew and uncle. Mrs. Miller explains to sophia the reasons for Tom's marriage proposal to lady Bellaston, and sophia is satisfied. Now that Tom is Allworthy 's heir, squire western eagerly encounter the marriage between tom and sophia.
Sophia chastices Tom for his lack of chastity, but agree to marry him. They live happily on western' s estate with two children, and shower everyone around them with kindness and generosity.
Conclusion :- one of Tom's biggest faults came because he was very handsome and charming. Every women who saw him desired him. He often gave into those base desires because he thought mem were wrack in that area. And that fielding wrote tom as a dignified young man who conducted himself as a gentleman in every other way.
Thank you....
Hitixa Goswami's Assignment PAPER - 1
- Name:- Hitixa Goswami
- Class :- M. A. SEM-1
- Roll No:- 13
- Beach :-2019-2021
- Enrollment No:-2069108420200013
- Subject :-Renaissance literature paper - 1
- Assignment Topic :-character of Rosencrantz and Guildenstern in Hamlet
- Email :-
- Word:-1,214
- Rosencrantz and guildenstern are dead in Hamlet.
Hamlet acts as a foil, or opposite, to Rosencrantz and guildenstern unlike his friends, Hamlet does not seem confused by the incomprehensibility of the world, nor does he have trouble making choices or decoding how to act. In fact, Hamlet has a lot of power within the play, as symbolizes by his lantern. He right the scene, then plunges the scene into darkness. His ability to control what viewers see signifies his immense power. He changes and affects people's lives in ways that Rosencrantz and Guildenstern cannot. For example, he kills Polonius, then disposes of the body. When Hamlet speaks, he frequently confuses other characters with riddles, another sign of his ability to have an effect on people. In this section of act 3.Hamlet reads the letter ordering his execution in England. But he reads in offstage and silently, masking whatever emotion he might be feeling about his friends betrayal. Unlike Rosencrantz and Guildenstern, Hamlet acts decisively Regardless of whatever he is actually insane, Hamlet’s cool, rational behaviour stands in contrast to the dopey.
Rosencrantz watches as Guildenstern flips coins. Each time a coin lands on heads, Rosencrantz gets to keep it. Guildenstern can hardly believe that Rosencrantz has a massed so many coins, but the coins keep coming up heads, he speculates that the two have entered and alternate universe, in which normal laws of probability.time, and chance do not apply. Unlike Guildenstern,Rosencrantz contentedly continues watching, not bothering to worry from why the coins keep landing heads up. Guildenstern speculates about possible reasons for the run of heads, including whether he is making his friend win as a way of subconsciously punishing himself, whether time has stopped, and whether a god of some kind has stepped in to influence their lives. He also begins in wonder inactions have stop to exist in relation to one another.
Guildenstern asks Rosencrantz to describe his earliest memory, but rosencrantz forgets the question almost immediately. Guildenstern suddenly remembered that the pair has been 'sent for' then be returns to his speculation about whether they have arrived somewhere in which the usual principles of the world do not apply, he uses logic to reassure himself that they have not emoted a great universe. But, still he reasons that the coins have landed heads almost a hundred dreams, a sure sign that the laws of probability have ceased working. He had music in the distance. As the Times his fingernails, Rosencrantz idly reminds Guildenstern that fingernails and facial hair continue to grow after a person has died.
Unlike that of Rosencrantz and Guildenstern, Hamlet’s fate is portrayed on stage. Those familiar with the play Hamlet knows that he disappears from the ship and goes back to Elsinore. Although readers do not witness his Travels or death, they do see his corpse in the final scene of the play. Shakespeare describes their deaths in Hamlet, and expects the readers of Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are dead to recall the multiple death bloodbath that ends Hamlet.
Rosencrantz their mentions that he does not remember over the toe of the foot. These comments annoying Guildenstern, who asks Rosencrantz if he remembers anything from that morning. Rosencrantz recalls being woken by a stranger, an answer that calms Guildenstern. Rosencrantz says that they are on the road as a result of this stranger, who asked them to hurry up and go. But they do not know where they are going. Rosencrantz he was magic but decides that he has only imagined it. Guildenstern claim, that audience makes any event real. The tragedians enter.
It has orders for the king of England to kill Hamlet as soon as he reaches England. Hamlet writes a new letter requesting that Rosencrantz and Guildenstern be killed as soon as they reach England. He feels that Rosencrantz and Guildenstern brought their death upon themselves by doing whatever Claudius asked of them.
Their different responses to the coin tosses reflect the different personalities of Rosencrantz and Guildenstern. Rosencrantz blithely flips a coin, notes it as heads, and pockets it, over and over again, never questioning why the coins keep coming up heads. Guildenstern, in contrast, worries that the two have entered an alternate universe, since standard laws of probability dictate that a coin has an equal chance of coming up heads or tails. The more coins Rosencrantz wins, the more frightened Guildenstern gets. When Rosencrantz tires of the coin flipping, he begins cutting his fingernails and imagining what happens to the nails after death, foreshadowing the deaths in act 3. His actions demonstrate a relaxed attitude toward the world. He generally believes that everything is and will be okay, and he has no interest in worrying about unknowns. Guildenstern, however, shows a more complicated range of emotions and thought patterns. While Rosencrantz passively accepts the results of the coin flipping, Guildenstern actively struggle to fighre out what the result might mean. Unlike Rosencrantz, Guildenstern demonstrates a willingness to interpret and engage with the world around him.
Rosencrantz and guildenstern constantly make ridiculous comments, and the men are wholly unable to understand their specific circumstance or the larger forces at work in the world. For example they applaud as the tragedians gather around them, mistaking the tragedians evil intentions for a performance. As he leaves the stage, Guildenstern cannot remember if he is in fact Rosencrantz or Guildenstern. Earlier in the act, several men hide in one small barrel, a hiding spot that nobody questions or wonders about. Although these instance are meant to be funny, they also demonstrate the dark forces at work, in the play, as in life, things often happen for no real reason. People struggle to develop identities, to imbue their lives with meaning, and to do something significant,but, in the end, everybody does. We want a world in which the good are rewarded and the bad punished, but that world simply does not exist. Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Deadpoints to horrific the world is chaotic, life is random, and the possibility of achieving success is slight.
Hamlet, Horatio and another character have a dialogue that dose not include here. While he wants to acknowledge his debet to shekspeare, he also wants to assert his creative power. In his play, he controls the characters, including when and how they speak and die. Stoppard lets hamlet die on stage, but he keeps the death of Rosencrantz let's Hamlet die on stage, but he keeps the deaths of Rosencrantz and Guildenstern away from his audience.
Conclusion :-when faced with the chaos of life, Rosencrantz decides that his personal purpose will be to seek pleasure for himself. That is not to say that Rosencrantz is advocating hedonism and fulfilling every desire however and whenever he wants that is rosencrantz says that even though the universe does not care about us, we should care about ourselves and strive to find happiness and personal fulfillment. It is the realities of life in a pointless universe.
Thank you....Thursday, 3 October 2019
Youth fastival 2019
Rang mohan youth festival 2019
# opning of youth festival #
# western song :
Western songs is very intresting event for all the students who take an interest in singing. This event organised at New court hall.department of English presented western song.
#Gruop song:
In the gruop song all are presented related patriotic and fok song. One team presented something new related to life of mahatma gandhi.
Bhajan competition organized at New court hall. I also like to listen bhajan so I am attend bhajan compilation many participants well presented.
#Falk song#
Falk song started at 7:30 to 10 pm new court hall. Tamsa pandya student of English department very well presented folk song.
#Mono acting #
Mono acting organised at Atal Auditorium, the All participates presented very well. Most of participation choose the subject and character from mahabharata like Dropadi, sahdev, Asvathsma. Ruchi joshi student of English department. She presented very well.
Skit compilation organized at Atal Auditorium. I have seen three to four skit, themes related to pollution, education, Gay marriages, social media and some skit on myth like mahabharata.
Department of English students presented skit on kalam370. In which government gives petition to ગાય marriage. The skit about that society dose accept gay marriage.
Thank you
Hello readers..
Rang mohan youth festival 2019 organised in maharaja krishnakumar sinhji bhavnagar university.
Youth festival "youth" represent talent and art in festival were all the students get together and celebrating youth festival. All the students have great opportunity to show his her talent to the from of guests and students.
Maharaja Krishna Kumar sinhji bhavnagar university has organised three days youth festival which has given the title of "Rang mohan". This whole festival of three days is hosted by phisical education apartnemt of MKB university.
In 25th September youth festival began with "kalayatra", the main theme of kalayatra is about "mohan to mahatma" and based on life of mahatma gandhi. Kalayatra started from shamaldas Arts college to ground of Sheth law college.# opning of youth festival #
In 26th September is opning of youth in MP theater of MKB university. The function began with Gandhi's favorite gujarati bhajan and then three are several popular folk artists mayabhai ahir krtidan gadhvi, Dhirubhai sarvaiya, abhaysinh Rathod presented in this function.
Western songs is very intresting event for all the students who take an interest in singing. This event organised at New court hall.department of English presented western song.
#Gruop song:
In the gruop song all are presented related patriotic and fok song. One team presented something new related to life of mahatma gandhi.
Bhajan competition organized at New court hall. I also like to listen bhajan so I am attend bhajan compilation many participants well presented.
#Falk song#
Falk song started at 7:30 to 10 pm new court hall. Tamsa pandya student of English department very well presented folk song.
#Mono acting #
Mono acting organised at Atal Auditorium, the All participates presented very well. Most of participation choose the subject and character from mahabharata like Dropadi, sahdev, Asvathsma. Ruchi joshi student of English department. She presented very well.
Skit compilation organized at Atal Auditorium. I have seen three to four skit, themes related to pollution, education, Gay marriages, social media and some skit on myth like mahabharata.
Department of English students presented skit on kalam370. In which government gives petition to ગાય marriage. The skit about that society dose accept gay marriage.
Thank you
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