Thursday, 10 October 2019

Hitixa Goswami's Assignment PAPER - 4

  • Name :- Hitixa Goswami 
  • Class:M.A.sem 1
  • Beach :- 2019-2021 
  • Roll No :- 13
  • Enrollment No:- 2069108420200013 
  • Subject :Indian writing in English 
  • Assignment Topic :- The purpose Theory of subaltern 
  • Words :-1,135

                        ' the purpose 'written by T. P. Kailasam is a short in the mahabharata invovling Drona, Arjuna, and Eklavya. Drona is a skilled teacher. Renown throughout the land of his wisdom and skill. In the field of literature we have many form of art like Drama, short story, novel poetry, Essays etc. In the form of the Indian writing we find many well known dramatist who wrote very beautiful drama or play like Tagore, Aurobindo, Harindranath Chattopadhyay, T. P. kailasam etc.
  • Eklavya story in Mahabharata 
                This Eklavya story based on Adiparva from Mahabharata. Mahabharata is indian Epic and Eklavya was a This Eklavya story based on Adiparva from Mahabharata. Mahabharata is indian Epic and Eklavya was a nishada boy. He was a poor hu hunter, He wanted to Dronacharya and requested him to teach archery. Drona was the teacher of the royal family. Arjun was disciple of Drona in gurukul.At that time as  a rule that only king's son and Brahmins were study in Gurukul not any common people like Eklavya wanted to learn Archery very deeply so on the other side Drona could not accepted but he made a statue of his Guru Drona and start his practice and after many years he became a good archer and one day guru Drona and Arjuna find Eklavya, they know that he became good archer at that time Arjuna became very angry and asked guru what is this? And then Guru asked Gurudakshina at that time Eklavya gave his thumb without any hesitation. 

  • Mining of the Subaltern 

It refers to the populations that are socially, politically and geographically outside of the hegemonic power structure of the colony and of the colonial homeland. The term "'Subaltern " is used in the fields of history, anthropology, sociology, human geography and literary criticism. 

In postcolonial theory the term subaltern describes the lower class people and who are at the margins of a society. We find that. Many people are subaltern and many cast also in our India.

  • Subaltern in 'the purpose '

A subaltern is someone with law ranking in social. Political, or other hierarchy, it can also means someone who has been marginalised or oppressed.

The term subaltern describes the lower social classes and the other social groups displaced to the margins of a society, in an imperial colony, a Subaltern is a native manor women without human agency. As defined by his and her social status nonetheless, the feminist scholar gayatri Chakraborty spivak cautioned against an over broad application of the term the subaltern.

After examine the character of Eklavya are marginalised in ancient society Eklavya has to suffers a lot. Eklavya faces all the problems and do lots of struggles he comes out with flying colors and emerge as the tragic hero of the play 'The purpose'. 

Resemblance and antithesis between Arjun and Eklavya when we talk about these two major characters first of all we have to discussed that, that there are some similarities and some differentiate between there two character. So let's have as briefly look on that. 

Arjun character in"The Purpose "is portrayed as a rude and self - proud person while in original text he is very humble and gread. 

Than I was read this story I can Understand that Drona is ideal teacher because, Eklavya was the son of a poor hunters. He wanted to learn archery to save the deer in the forest that were being hunted by the leopards. So he want to Dronacharya and requested him to teach him archery. Dronacharya was the teacher of the royal family. 

This is not far Eklavya in his heart had already accepted Dronacharya as his guru. He went home and made a Stata of his guru and practice. He learn archery and became better than the state princess at the arts. He became so good at that, he would hear the sound of the animal. Shootan arrow at it and claim the animals. 

One day, Aryana, the prince found out about this talented archer. Making matters worse, he saw that Eklavya was far better than him. He went to Eklavya and asked him, who throught you archery? "

Dronacharya blessed Eklavya with immortality by asking him for his thumb so when people think of devotion they think of Eklavya,and not Arjuna. 

In the play Arjuna was a small boy who goes to guru Drona 's ashram for learning archery with pandava and cousin brothers kauravas. Guru Dronacharya was best teacher of archary bhisma knows that so he sent his grand children to learn archery from him ni the mahabharata Arjun was fast learner archery and he is favourite student of guru Dronacharya gives promise to him that he became best archery in the world. 

  • Eklavya 's character of the purpose 
Eklavya is the protagonist of this play' The purpose he is a nishada boy. He also wants to become the best archer of the world. He always speaks whether he thinks to be true. He had gret esteem. He really likes the technique of guru Dronacharya but he also recognize Arjun as his companion. Eklavya is the main character of T. P. Kailasam's play "The purpose" it is taken from the mahabharata in Mahabharata he is not powerful character, but in this play he is powerful character drawn by T. P. Kailasam. He was a nishada boy. Once he was tack with his mother about archery that he wants to become best archer. In that world, that time his mother told him that guru Dronacharya was the best teacher for archery if he accept you as a student so you became best archery. That time he decided that he learn archery from guru Dronacharya. 

  • Comparison between Arjun and Eklavya 
   The similarity between both the characters is that both want to become the world's best archer. Though the aim is same, the purpose for it is different. Arjuna has the personal purpose and Eklavya's purpose is to save the animals. So we can say here that this all the things are about "The purpose" that how the purpose is different from each other. So here we can say that the title of this play is appropriate and well chose by the playwright of his play. 

  • Conclusion :-  
                       This play was situated to education in school and college. Was not productive wich would break down the social, rilligional and linguistics barriers. It never homed at makin people masters of technology it also did not focus on fighting injustices, intolerance and superstition this was the play the purpose. 
                                 Thank you...

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