Colonialist criticism
Hello readers!
Hello readers!
Hear I would like to wrote about colonialist criticism by Chinua Achebe. The essay 'colonial criticism' is an attack on a lingering colonialism in the criticism of African writer writes the text or 'they produce literature, their literature goes to European for analysis. Every African literature has to get through the sarcastic remarks of European writers.
Chinua Achebe
Chinua Achebe was a Nigerian novelist, poet, professor, and critic. His first novel things fall Apart, often considered book in modern African literature.
Notable works
- The African trilogy
- Things fall Apart
- Mo longer at Ease
- Arrow of God
- A main of the people
- Antilles of the savannah
Colonialist criticism
The word " colonialist" may be deemed inappropriate for two reasons first, it has come to be associated in many minds with that brand of cheap, demagogic and out modent Rhetoric which the colonislist.
Achebe sees the faults of colonialist criticism in the assumption that the African writer is "somewhat unfinished European and that somehow outsiders can know Africa better than the native writers. Achebe opposes, the European colonial prejudice, habit of ruling and discriminating other and comparing African people, their literature habit of ruling and discriminating other and comparing African people, their literature, art and culture etc. He argues that African literature should not be judged by the colonialist criticism because it has its own particularly and peculiarity. The mask of European civilization does not know the history of African people. So Achebe 's claim is that blacks should write their own history neglecting what has been already universalized.
Achebe says that every text comes out of specific time space and the people. Therefore, every text is related to space. Specific and people specific. African people have experience about racism. African might have made many mistakes, but they didn't bring racism in the world Achebe sustained the idea that " the term universalisam must be vanished".
Achebe says all time European writers cannot criticism the Africans. Even the native writers have noy done anything to uplift the condition of African literature. He says farnestness on the part. Of the native writers is most important to uplift the condition of African literature, only then African literature will get the prestigious status otherwise they will be dominated.
Thank you...
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