Friday, 4 December 2020

paper :- 12 English Language Teaching - 1

  • Name :- Hitixa Goswami

  • Class :- M. A. Sam 2

  • Roll No :- 9

  • Enrollment No :- 2069108420200013

  • Paper :- English Language Teaching - 1

  • Assignment Topic :- " The teaching of language through literature literature 

  • Email:-  hitixagoswami28@gamil

  • Submitted to :- S.B.GARDI, Department of English Bhavnagar University

  •  World :- 1,653

Introduction :- the role of literature as a basic component. English teaching today has evolved around the primary emphasis on its viability as a communication skill to help acquire jobs, promote business interests or provide various forms of entertainments. Teaching language through literature  Another perspective that strengthens the argument of the advocates of teaching English without any affiliation with its literature, borders on the fact that the world today needs English for Special Purposes – for the understanding of scientific or technical vocabulary specific to different subjects of interest to the learners. English has been commonly attributed to the teaching methods as used and adopted by language teachers. Our main concern as teachers and teacher trainers is not to teach about language, but to develop learners’ abilities to make them capable of using the language for a variety of communicative purposes. But there is a difference between teaching about the language and communicating in the language. 

                     Teaching language through literature help teachers first to acquaint themselves with language use to develop their own competence and understand language as a social phenomenon, and not as an exclusive branch of learning. And another thing is that it transforms the classrooms as the stage in which there is real practice of communicative language. And also help teachers to consider language as entailing social acceptability in other words; they can look to classroom language as carrying resemblance with the outside language. And As a result, this would raise communication to the level of a social responsibility.

What is literature? 

                    Literature is a term used to describe written or spoken material. Broadly speaking, "literature" is used to describe anything from creative writing to more technical or scientific works, but the term is most commonly used to refer to works of the creative imagination, including works of poetry, drama, fiction, and nonfiction.

  • Why and What Literature Is Useful in Language Learning?

              Teaching Language Through Literature to use of literature as a technique for teaching both basic language skills example for reading, writing, listening, and speaking and language areas example for vocabulary, grammar and pronunciation is very popular within the field of foreign language learning and teaching nowadays and in translation courses, many language teachers make their students translate literary texts like drama, poetry and short stories into the mother tongue.

                Literature is used and different context. Example for focus on teaching language and language learning purpose vs. academic analytical purpose and linguistic orientation vs. literary critical orientation and learning how to study literature vs. studying literature.

             Literature offers a wide range of language structures, which can enhance our understanding of the range of language usages. This understanding a direct impact on the learner’s ability to learn and use language not for mechanical responses but for the expression and response of those thoughts and ideas which would have stifled  in the brain in the absence of rich language resources. Literature work in such a situation becomes a vehicle for language learning.

  • Using Literary Texts in Foreign Language Classes.

           Literature is authentic material and most works of literature are not created for the primary purpose of teaching a language. But many authentic samples of language in real-life contexts example for newspaper or magazine and articles are included within recently developed course materials. Thus, in a classroom context, learners are exposed to actual language samples of real life and real life like settings. And students have also to cope with language intended for native speakers, they become familiar with many different linguistic forms, communicative functions and meanings.

Cultural Enrichment

              For many language learners.  The ideal way to increase their understanding of Verbal and non-verbal aspects of communication in the country within which that language is spoken - a visit or an extended stay - is just not probable. For such learners, literary works like as novels, plays, or short stories etc. a novel, play, or short story is an imaginary and it presents a full and colorful setting in which characters from many social and regional backgrounds can be described. The way the characters in such literary works see the world outside example for their thoughts, feelings, customs, traditions, possessions. Literature is perhaps best regarded as a complement to other materials used to develop the foreign learner’s understanding into the country whose language is being learned. And Also literature adds a lot to the cultural grammar of the learners.

Language Enrichment

               Literature provides Learners with a wide range of individual lexical or syntactic items. Students become familiar with many features of the written language, reading a substantial and contextualized body of text. And they learn about the syntax and discourse functions of sentences, the variety of possible structures, the different ways of connecting ideas, which develop and enrich their own writing skills. They improve their communicative and cultural competence in the authentic richness, naturalness of the authentic texts.

Personal Involvement

                    Literature can be useful in the language learning process owing to the personal involvement it fosters in the reader. Once the student reads a literary text, he begins to inhabit the text. He is drawn into the text. And Understanding the meanings of lexical items or phrases becomes less significant than pursuing the development of the story. And also the student becomes enthusiastic to find out what happens as events unfold via the climax. And he feels close to certain characters and shares their emotional responses. This can have beneficial effects upon 

Whole language learning process. At this juncture, the prominence of the selection of a literary text in relation to the needs, expectations, and interests, language level of the students is evident. In this process, he can remove the identity crisis and develop into an extrovert. Some of the other reasons for regarding literature as a potent resource in the language classroom. 


                  Because we are all human beings and the themes literature deals with are common to all cultures despite their different way of treatment example for like Death, Love, Separation, Belief, Nature ... the list is familiar. These experiences all happen to human beings.


                 And at last ambiguity it is highly suggestive and associative, literature speaks subtly different meanings to different people. It is rare for two readers to react identically to any given text. And in teaching. This has two advantages. And the first advantage is that each learner’s interpretation has validity within limits. The second advantage is that an almost infinite fund of interactive discussion is guaranteed since each person’s perception is different and that no two readers will have a completely convergent interpretation establishes the tension that is necessary for a genuine exchange of ideas.

Using of Different Genres of Literature to Language.


                Teaching language through literature Poetry can pave the way for the learning and teaching of basic language skills. And it is metaphor that is the most prominent connection between learning and poetry. And because most poetry consciously or unconsciously makes use of metaphor as one of its primary methods, poetry offers a significant learning process. There are at least two learning benefits that can be derived from studying poetry. First is that the appreciation of the writer’s composition process, which students gain by studying poems by components. And second is that Developing sensitivity for words and discoveries that may later grow into a deeper interest and greater analytical ability. But some other benefits of poetry is the educational.

Short stories 

                Teaching language through literature a Short fiction is a supreme resource for observing not only language but life itself. And In short fiction, characters act out all the real and symbolic acts people carry out in daily lives and do so in a variety of registers and tones. The world of short fiction both mirrors and illuminates human lives (Sage 1987:43). The inclusion of short fiction in the ESL / EFL curriculum offers the following educational benefits example for following educational benefits.


                Teaching language through literature a drama in a language classroom is a good resource for language teaching. And It is through the use of drama that learners become familiar with grammatical structures in contexts and also learn about how to use the language to express, control and inform. The use of drama raises the students’ awareness towards the target language and culture. In this context, the use of drama as a tool rather than an end gains importance in teaching a foreign language. And the educational benefits of drama are that.


               Teaching language trough literature a novel is a beneficial technique for mastering not only linguistic system but also life in relation to the target language. In novel, characters reflect what people really perform in daily lives. Novels not only portray but also enlighten human lives. Using novel in a foreign language class offers the following educational benefits that.

 Conclusion:-  at last literature helps students acquire a native-like competence in English, express their ideas in good English, and learn the features of modern English, and also learn how the English linguistic system is used for communication, see how idiomatic expressions are used, speak clearly, precisely, and concisely, and become more proficient in English, as well as become creative, critical, and analytical learners. Literature is not only a tool for developing the written and oral skills of the students in the target language but also is a window opening into the culture of the target language, building up a cultural competence in students.


Work sited 

Harmer, Jeremy. How to Teach English: An Introduction to the Practice of English Language Teaching. Harlow: Longman, 1998.

Vyas, Foram. Teaching English as Second language in India. 2011.

The Practice of English Language Teaching. Essex, England: Longman, 2001

                               Thank you… 


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