Sunday, 8 March 2020

Paper :-6 victorian literature assignment

  • Paper :- 6 The Victorian literature
  • Name :- Hitixa Goswami
  • Class :- M.A Sem 2
  • Roll No :- 8
  • Beach :- 2019-21
  • Enrollment No :- 2069108420200013
  • Subject :- The Victorian literature
  • Assignment Topic :- Thematic aspect of Middlemarch
  • Submitted to :- S. B. Gardi, Department of English Bhavnagar University
  • Email :- hitixagoswami28@gamil
  • World :-1362

                                      Middlemarch is a study of provincial life and the scene is laid in the provincial town of Middlemarch in the first half of the nineteenth century. It is a love story principally dealing with the affairs Vinci ending in despaired.

                                     In the novel Middlemarch George Eliot examines the themes and some ideas of society and the risks of all these motives in provincial life. The novel is set in the fictitious middle town of Middlemarch. Middlemarch is a complex work of art and a number of themes and ideas are woman into its complex fabric.

1.The major Theme of Middlemarch
2.The imperfection of marriage
7.Self Determination v/s chance
8.Unity of Middlemarch
10.Self discovery
11.Family obligation
12.Social Expectation
13.Gender roles and expectations
16.Reality v/s Expectations.

1.The imperfection of marriage

                Most character in ‘Middlemarch ‘, marry for love rather than obligation, yet unromantic. Marriage and the pursuit of it are central concerns in Middlemarch. In many novels of the time, marriage is not considered the ultimate source of happiness Two example are the failed marriage of Dorothea and Lydgate.

2. Prejudice
                         This theme that Lydgate and Ladislaw can’t seen to beat. People in Middlemarch dislike anyone who is not form Middlemarch or anyone whose reputation seems questionable. Ladislaw and Lydgate are both, good people, but it is invalid or circumstantial reasons, those mean that they are never liked or accepted in Middlemarch.

                         People are supposed to conform to certain social ideas and norms. Dorothea is supposed to be a proper wife and then a proper window, and follow society’s set guidelines about how to fill each position social expectation that it is some what different. An issue that is related to social expectation.

                            The meaning of this sentence is that it things aren’t done, her ways, she will go behind other peoples backs to do things the way the thinks they should be done. People want what they want, for whatever reasons, which means that they are blind to things that might be best for theme. Societal Stubbornness is responsible for Lydgate ‘s failure with him medical practice.

                              This is a major Theme of Fred’s story, and he must become responsible for his finance and his choices. Will do too, a certain extent. He also must learn how to become independent in many ways. Bestrode tries to give him money to repent for hiding his existence from his grand mother. He refuses money because he knows it come through thievery. He worships Dorothea. He doesn’t care for money and loves everything that is beautiful.

6.Self Determination v /s chance
                                In the present novel, self determination and chance are not opposing forces but rather a complicated balancing act, when characters strictly adhere to a belief in either chance or self determination. Bad things happen. Her act of self determination putts Lydgate in unsavory and tense situations coupled with a refusal to bale on the film when Rosamond goes against the wishes of her husband and write a letter asking for money from his relative.

7.Unity of Middlemarch

                           The decision made by every person in Middlemarch seem to have a direct effect on at least one other person. Dorothea’s decision to choose Casaubon leads sir James cottar to choose Celia. Mary’s decision to marry Fred Vincy means that fare brother is without a wife. Bulstrode’s dirty dealings with regard to Raffles in the husband and wife relationship in Middlemarch.

                     Love keeps people together, or the drift apart. Those who are truly in love like ladislaw and Dorothea, Mary and Fred are bound together by it. They are very a like in temperament and outlook. Will is the grandson of Casaubon’s disinherited aunt Boltrope trips to  give him money to repent for hiding his existence from his grandmother. Those who lake it like Lydgate and Rosamond, Casaubon and Dorothea are ill-suited to each other in marriage and they are very disappointed by their unions. He worships Dorothea. He doesn’t care for money and loves everything that is beautiful. He refuses the money because he knows it came through thievery.

9.Self Discovery
                               There are certain truths which every character learns about him in the course of trials. Lydgate and Rosamond find out more about their characters. Dorothea Broke makes the most dramatic journey of self discovery and changes as great deal within the course of the novel, Through their money troubles, though they do not always adjust accordingly.

10.Family obligation

                                     People within the novel have varying ideas of family, obligation in the novel, though it is a strong force in Middlemarch society Mr. Featherstone’s relations believe they are entitled to money : Mrs. Bulstrode’s believes that she must help her family in order to show support. Sir James shows his regard for his family by being very protective and a constant advisor as well.

11.Social expectations

                                     Closely linked to society ‘s hierarchy. They are ideas about how everyone should act in certain situations. Lydgate proposes to Rosamond because society expects that he should do it. Dorothea is pushed to live with someone else or marry again after she is widowed because society expects that it is right.

12.Gender roles and expectations.

                                Middlemarch society had very defined ideas of what people of each gender should do within the society, and people, especially woman, who deviate from this norm, are looked down upon. Dorothea is tolerated because she is of good family and does not disrupt the society. She is however, she faces a great deal of pressure to change Herself conform to other’s ideas, and submit Herself to male leadership at all times.

                              Money is the root of many evils but much good, in the novel. Lydgate get desperate for want of it, freed despairs when he has little, Dorothea becomes generous when she carefully since their money is limited. Money has profound effect on character within the novel, and though many people are judge by now much in the money.

                       Much is changing in the world of Middlemarch. English society is evolving in social economic, technoloic areas. Socially, ideas of gender and class are in flux, as women are proving more and more competent and the Industrial Revolution is causing a greater amount of social mobility. Technology is also changing, in medical science, and in areas like transportations, and these are changes that are beginning to sweep through Middlemarch. The economy of England is changing, from an aristocratic, inheritance based system of holding weather and land, to one based on commerce, business, and manufacturing.

16.Reality v/s Expectations
                          Many character’s preconceived ideas, especially of marriage, are proves tragically wrong in the course of the book, casaubon and Dorothea Brooke both have unrealistic ideas about marriage and are disappointed. Life often defines what one expects. Or could predict of it and the people who are happiest ate ones who have few expectations, or are most flexible Lydgate and Rosamond have the same idea and are Late down.

                                      In this novel we can see many themes. In this novel everything is political in Middlemarch, with most people strongly backing the conservative party. People within the novel have varying ideas of family obligation in the novel, though it is a strong force in Middlemarch society. This makes it a valuable social document which tells us more about the real, day to day, common, provincial life of England in the 1830’s than any book of history.

Work sited 

Cregan, Vybarr. Middlemarch Novel by George Eliot. March 2020 <>.

George, Eliot. Middlemarch study Guide. March 2020 <>.

Middlemarch Themes. March 2020 <>.

Theme in Middlemarch by George Eliot. march 2020 <>
                                         Thank you.. 

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