Hello readers!
Here I would like to wrote about Technology in education. And the question on ' Can technology replace teacher? We can see that' Use of technology in education is one of those Methods that will help improve the quality of education in India. So lats start...
The covid - 19 has changed the view of education around the world. During the mid - march all the schools and colleges were shut down to save faculties and students from infection. It has been around lock down. Still we are fighting with Covid - 19. The doors of educational institutions are closed. But learning isn't stop. But with the help technology everything is possible, and our Department of English always follow process is going with the help of technology. So here I would like to wrote about the question " How can technology replace teacher? And the second" What shall teachers do so that they are not replaceable by technology? So lates write.
" Can technology replace teacher?"
About my opinion Technology cannot replace Teacher's. Technology is merely an augmentation to a teachers. It can help the process of learning, but it certainly cannot replace the role of the teachers. Technology can make it easy to get education by sitting at home but that education too is provided by a teachers.
We can see that role of technology in education is continuously expanding form projecters to smart boards and enabling better interaction between teachers and students in the classroom. Every day we see that various aspects of technology be coming an inherents part of the educational experience for students, teachers, parents, and managements.
Technology has the ability to enhumance relationship between teachers and students. When teachers effectively Integrate technology into subject areas, teachers grow into roles of advisors, cantent expert and coach. Technology helps make teaching and learning more meaningful and fun. But, as of now, it does not have the power of replace teachers because human interaction cannot human skills cannot be taught by technology.
# What shall teachers do so that they are not replaceable by technology?
We can assume that teachers are replaced by technology in upcoming technological life. But without a teacher we aren't able to learn life skills. We can get much more knowledge through technology but not be able to gather life skills which is also very important.
Hear into the my task is there is one blog link and video and quiz by Dilip barad sir. He was include two videos and from satymev jayte TV program in star plus.
Here this video is reflect to how the technology is helpful to our life. Many people are not idea about how to Teach in the online platform. Though the good network students can be able to learn and development their self. Teacher are teaching them from far distance and they are able to learn their rural areas. So technology can be very helpful to many of changes of the delay life.
In this time we can see that many of Children's also know how to use technology like mobile, laptops, tablets, How to search in Google web and also Manny things. He is got salvation own his and go live through using technology. It all about to learn from mother's womb.
We know that technology cam be take place in education but not can replace teacher. Technology can make it easy to get educated by sitting at home but that education too is provided by a teachers.
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