Hello reader's!
Here I am going to wrote about this terms colonialism, imperialism, post colonialism, Globalization and Environmental Studies. We all know that post colonial study deals with the effects of colonization on cultures and societies and those societies responses. This blog is related to my academic Activity is given by my professor Dilip Barad sir from Department of English MKB university. So let's start.
Post is a disciplinary field and an interdisciplinary methodology grounded in post - structuralist and post modern critique. As a discipline, it studies the effects of imperialism, colonialism, and neocolonialism on societies and individuals. It address questions about identity, hybridity, gender, sex, race, species, language, knowledge, modernity, transnationality, multiculturalism, and cosmopolitanism, among many others. Colonialism generally refers to the period when European countries would formally tack control of another country of black or brown people. The effects of colonization can range greatly and very from area to area, culture to culture, origin of the colonizers, and many more factors.
Colonialism is the policy of a country seeking to extend or retain it's authority over other people or territories, generally with the aim of economic dominance. In the process of colonization, colonizers may impose their religious language, economics, and other cultural practices on indigenous peoples. Colonialism is a relationship between an indigenous majority and a minority of foreign invaders.
Colonialism is a practice of domination, which involves the subjugation of one people to another. One of the difficulties in defining colonialism is the is hard to distinguish it from imperialism. The term colony comes from thr Latin word colony, meaning farmer.
Colonialism is strongly associated with the European colonial period starting with the 15th century. When some European states established colonizing empires. The foreign administrators rule the territory in pursuit of their interests, seeking to benifit from the colonised region's people and resources.
Post colonialism
Post colonialism is the critical academic study of the cultural academic study of the cultural legacy of colonialism and imperialism, focusing on the human consequences of the colonized people and their lands post colonial theory looks at issues of power, economics, politics, religion, and culture and how these elements work in relation to colonial hegemony. Post colonial criticism also takes the form of literature composed by authors that critique Euro - centric hegemony.
The term post colonial studies may be preferred to post colonialism, as the ambiguous term colonialism could refer either to a system of government or to an ideology or world view underlying that system. Post colonialism may be thought of a reaction to or departure from colonialism in the same way post modernisam is a reaction to modernisam. The term post colonialism itself is model on post modernism, with which it shares certain concepts and methods.
Difference between colonialism and post colonialism
The difference between colonialism and post colonialism can be tricky and confusing. Colonialism generally refers to the period when European countries would formally tack control of another country of black or brown people.
Post colonialism provide a framework to examine how such colonizing took place and the impact it has on how we see the world, post - colonialism also notes the while formal colonization might be defanct, Europe and the United states can still tend to treat other countries like De - facto colonies.
The difference between colonialism and post colonialism has often stymied us. When we hear people talk about post colonial theory or post colonial thought.
Ania Loomba 's views on colonialism and post colonialism
Lamba is a professor of English at Jawaharlal Nehru university, new Delhi and a specialist in renaissance drama, and it is understandable that among the best pages of colonialism and post colonialism are the ones on colonialism and literature.
The title of Ania Loomba 's colonialism /post colonialism indicates the lien she will tack in introducing us to post colonial studies. She will not see them as binaries, locked in permanent opposition, but as categories whose boundaries must be broken down so that we can see how the one inheres within the other.
Ania Loomba's book is also notable for the rigor, the conciseness, and the Lucidity with which she traces the contexts of contemporary colonial discourse analysis. Starting with maxim's intense critique of the collusion of capital such as deffication found their way into the indictment of colonialism carried out by intellectual such as Aime cesair and frantz fanon, Loomba moves on to discuss the relevance of Antonio Gramsci concept of " hegemony" for the analysis of colonialism. Her intention, then is not to give us a superficial picture of a setting sites, but a detailed analysis of a fast evolving subject located at an intriguing intersection of theory.
Imperialism is a policy or ideology of extending the true over peoples and other countries, for extending political and economic access, power and control, though employing hard Power especially military force. But also soft power. Although imperialism and colonialism focus on the supperssion of another, if colonialism refers to the process of a country taking physical control of another, imperialism refers to the political and monetary dominance, either formally or Imformally.
Colonialism and imperialism are often used interchangebly, but they are two different words having different meaning. As both colonialism and imperialism domination of the other, scholars often find it hard to differentiate the two.
Though both the words underline suppression of the other, colonialism is where one nation assumes control over the other and imperialism refers to political or economic control, either formally or Imformally. In simple words, colonialism can be thought to be a practice and imperialism as the idea driving the practice.
Globalization is the word used to describe the word's economics, cultures, and populations, brought about by cross-border Trande in goods and services, technology and flows of investments people, and information.
Though many scholars Place the origins of Globalization in modern times, others trace it's history to long before the European age of Discovery and voyages to the new world, and some event to the third millennium BC.
The term Globalization first appeared in the early 20 th century 'developed it's current meaning some time in the second half of the 20th century, and came into popular use in the 1990s.
Environmental Studies
Environmental Studies is a multidisciplinary academic field which systematically studies human interaction with the environment. Environmental Studies connects principles from the physical science, commerce the humanities and social sciences to address complex contemporary environment issue.
The Environmental Studies major allows students to explore the relationships between people and their environment. The degree also prepares many graduates to enter graduate degree programs in most science, such as Environmental planning, resources management ; engineering ; law or public policy.
This concluding chapter offers an inevitable particular examination of challenges, indicating some new directions post colonial studies has either taken, or must take. Many commentators have suggested that post colonial studies should not be thought of as a discrete field so much as an approach that has been honed by work on colonial dynamics and legacies in several. Disciplines; nevertheless. All of these demand fresh thinking about colonial History, hierarchies, gender dynamics, and community.
Thank you...
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