Saturday, 7 November 2020

Thinking Activity : Imaginary Homelands :selected Essays :- Salman Rushdie

 Thinking Activity : Imaginary Homelands by salman rushdie

Hello reader's!

                       Here I am going to wrote about Imaginary Homelands selected essay by salman rushdie. This blog is regarded to my academic Activity. This task is given by my professor Dilip Barad sir from Department of English MKB university.

About Salman Rushdie 

                               Sir Ahmed Salman Rushdie is a British Indian novelist and essayist whose work, combining magical realism with historical fiction is primarily concerned with the many connections, disruptions, and migrations between Eastern and western civilizations, with much of his fiction being set on the Indian subcontinent. 

His notable works 

  • Midnight's children 
  • The satanic verses 
  • The Moore's last sigh
  • Shamar the clown 

"Imaginary Homelands "

                                   The essay was written after the publication of the Midnight's children. This never was well res. Ponded in western countries but, in indian it was rejected by Indians, and it was a request from a diasporic writer to the country of his origin to accept him. 

                                All essays are based on the experience of Salman Rushdie's and his contemporary time scenario. This book nicely collected the controversial issues of the dead. In these days Indira Gandhi was ruling. In this session one of the novelist whose name Rushdie did not reveal, began his contribution by reciting a Sanskrit shaloka, and then  instead of translating the Verse he declared. " Every education Indian will understand what I have just said", This was unaccessible as, in the room were Indian writer and scholars from conceivable backgrounds such as chaistian, parasi, Muslim and sikh.

This book " Imaginary Homelands' is divided into six sections.

  1. Midnight's children 
  2. Politics of India and Pakistan 
  3. Indo Anglian literature. 
  4. Movie and Television 
  5. Experience of imgrants Indian migrants to British 
  6. Thatcher /flout election question of Palestine.
                               "  writers in my position, exiles or emigrants or expatriates". Rushdie says in this collection's title essay, " are haunted by Sone sense of loss, some urge to reclaim, to look back, even at the risk of being mutated into pillars of salt". Such a writer comes to understand, however, that "we will not be capable of reclaiming preasely the thing that was lost; that we will, in short, create fictions, not actual cities or villages, but invisible ones imaginary homelands, Indian's of the mind." In his own fictions, Salman Rushdie has created just such imaginary homelands.

                              Another point which increases the complexity of the controversy Is that the description of India that Midnight's children attempts, is very pessimistic. Thus, it is critical in India for it's despairing tone But he denied that the book is not despairing or nihilistic, Ruther he would say"he tried to set up  tension between from and content of the narrative.

Commonwealth literature does not exit 

                               Commonwealth literature does not exit " there is a matter of English studies are taken to include commonwealth literature. Rushdie also gave many examples of an importance and an ignorance of commonwealth literature. Common wealth literature appears, it is that body of writing created. Now days commonwealth literature was sounding very unlike able indeed. Not only was it a ghetto, but it was actually an exclusive ghetto.

Attenborogh's Gandhi 

                              Salman Rushdie focuses on the view of " Attenborogh's Gandhi - a film based on biography of mahatma Karam Chand Gandhi. This is the best film of 1983 in film industry. Salman Rushdie says God help the film industry after making this type of film. He critically shows his ideas on that film. He says that, why film is about only gandhi? Why no Subhash Bose? Why no Tagore? In the film there are many scenes of violence happeneds before this essay Salman Rushdie says about the scene of Amritsar massacre and the scene of killing Gandhi by nathuram. He also says another fact of Gandhs " Brahmachrya" Nehru was not Gandhi's disciple.


                         A work of literature is an expression of feeling, experience. But it doesn't mean to ferce him to leave the country, we Indian his way Salman Rushdie gives his critical ideas on different subjects. From these subjects he has shown some facts of India, Britain and gandhi also. He shows his power of critical analysis throughout " Imaginary Homelands". They were equals and they argued fiercely in a matter of freedom movement.

                                           Thank you... 

1 comment:

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